If you are unable to login when entering your Username and Password, you may wish to reset your Password to regain access to your site.
For assistance with Multi-Factor Authentication or Finding your BigChange Administrator, please click here
How do I change/reset my password?
- To reset your password on the login page, please click 'Forgot Password'
- Enter your email address, then click 'Continue'
- Check your inbox for an email with the subject 'Reset your password' from roadcrew@bigchange.com or noreply@bigchange.com and click the link presented
- Within the new browser window, enter your new password - ensuring it is strong and secure, with at least 8 characters, a capital letter and a special character
- Please then click 'Reset Password'
- You may now log back into BigChange with your new password
I am not receiving my reset email
If you are not receiving your reset email, your email may have changed since it was entered onto BigChange or your IT Team may be accidentally blocking the email.
In this event, please ask a colleague who is a BigChange admin to reset your password using the steps below.
How can an Admin Reset my password?
A colleague who is a BigChange Admin may reset your password utilising the below steps. If you do not know who your BigChange Administrator is, please click here.
- Open the BigChange site
- Navigate to their initial in the top right hand corner of the page
- Select 'Settings'
- Navigate to 'Web Users' then 'Add-edit'
- Click on your name and select 'Edit'
- They may now type your new password then click 'Ok'
- You may now login using the password they have chosen - please change your password once logged in, to ensure your site is as secure as possible
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