Step 2 - Creating Makes and Models in stock and equipment

  • Updated

Understanding Stock and Equipment


Stock refers to consumable items used or sold during jobs. These items can include multiples of screws, pipes, bolts etc. These items do not have serial numbers, and you can add multiple quantities of each into the BigChange system.


Equipment consists of individual serialised items, such as boilers, CCTV cameras, or tools. These items are either allocated to staff or maintained as assets for customers, such as alarm systems and boilers.

Once you have setup your Product Categories you can now create the 'Makes and Models'.

Creating Makes and Models

  • Navigate to: [Top menu] Account settings (icon).
  • Settings.
  • [side menu] Stock & equipment.
  • Manage makes & models.

Makes 1.png

  • Select 'Add' to input new Make and Model details.

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  • Fill in mandatory fields* and any additional information for financial benefits.

Details Tab

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  1. Product category * - Select the relevant category of Stock or Equipment for this item.
  2. Nominal code - This is the Nominal code which this item relates to.  It is used in your financial package in order to charge for the items when sold or purchased.
  3. Department code - This is the default Department code for this item, which is used in your financial package in order to charge for the items when sold or purchased.
  4. Make - This is the make (E.g. Bosch, HP, CAT etc…) of the item.
  5. Model - This is the model of the item concerned (e.g. Latitude, Cooler, Combi Max).
  6. Model number - The model number for the item. Depending upon your business, being specific here may be essential.  For instance, if there are a number of Bosch Series 8 Washing Machines, the model number WAYH8790GB is needed to identify the exact model you are adding to the system.
  7. Consumable - The Consumable box identifies whether this a consumable item or not. If the item is not uniquely identifiable, such as a bag of bolts, then this would be consumable. If this was a piece of machinery, then it would not be consumable. If this box is ticked, options 10 and 11 below will disappear.
  8. Size (m3) - This is the volume of the item in M3.
  9. Weight (kg) - This is the weight of the item in Kg.
  10. Worksheet to fill if movement Ok - Since non-consumable items, eg pieces of equipment, tend to be more valuable it may be useful to add a worksheet when they are used to confirm that the job was completed successfully.  For example, if a machine needs servicing, it can be added as a piece of equipment, assigned to a job, and when the item has been successfully serviced, a service sheet will need to be completed before the job can be signed off.
  11. Worksheet to fill if movement not Ok - Here Worksheets are used in the opposite way, ensuring that the Resource completes a Worksheet explaining why a non-consumable item which was supposed to be used on a job, wasn't or was unsuccessful, eg it could be in need of a service.
  12. Batch number - If the item has a batch or pallet number, this can be added here.
  13. Stock code - If the item has a SKU  this can be added here.
  14. Selling price - If this is an item which customers will purchase, whenever this item is added to a job, the price input here will pull through as a line item on the Financial Documents.
  15. GBP - The currency you are using.
  16. VAT code - The default VAT percentage applicable to this item
  17. Notes - If you have any notes you need to add against this item, they can be added here eg 'reorder lead time 30 days'.
  18. Attachments -  Add any attachments such as handbooks, manuals, etc.

Suppliers Tab

To assign a supplier to the Suppliers tab, you must first create them in the CRM under a Contact Group labeled "Suppliers."

  1. Select the item and navigate to the Suppliers tab.
  2. Start typing in a supplier, select supplier from list.
  3. Add any warranty period.
  4. Add a suppliers cost price to you.
  5. Once saved you can select 'Add' to add multiple suppliers.

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These details can be edited or delete at anytime by:

  1. Selecting the supplier from the list.
  2. Select edit.
  3. Select delete.

Makes 5.png

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