Creating and Managing Sales Opportunities

  • Updated

Effectively managing sales opportunities in BigChange's Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is essential for maintaining a robust sales pipeline and driving business growth. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of creating and managing sales opportunities within BigChange CRM.

Creating a New Sales Opportunity

  1. Go to the CRM
  2. Select Sales Opportunities from the side menu.

This is your Sales Opportunities list view where you can create and manage all your sales opportunities.

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Sales opportunities list view

In the list view, you can use the side filters to refine your sales opportunities by:

  • Date Period: Filter opportunities between two specific dates.
  • Probability: Filter by probability, which can be customised for each BigChange site in the Account settings.
  • Stage: Filter by stage, customisable for each BigChange site in the Account settings.
  • Status: Filter by 'Won', 'Lost', 'Open', or 'On Hold'.
  • Contact Group: Filter by a specific contact group.
  • Contact: Filter by a specific customer, with parent contacts highlighted in bold.
  • Owner: Filter by the web user who owns the sales opportunity.
  • Flag: Filter by a flag, customisable for each BigChange site in the Account settings..
  • Add a Filter: Add a custom field to the filterable options.

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To create a Sales Opportunity, select New Sales Opportunity.

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Sales Opportunity Details tab

Detail Tab: Enter information such as currency, line items, contact details, status, due date, stage, probability, owner, reference, and notes. Ensure to save your changes.

    • Add Item: Use for bespoke or non-standard items, allowing free text entry.
    • Add Predefined Item: To Set up predefined items, go to Account Settings > Settings > Financial > Predefined invoicing items.
    • Add Stock: Include stock and equipment items.

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  1. Contact: Select an existing site or customer from the CRM. Add new contacts by selecting the '+' icon next to the Contact field.
  2. Person: Identify the primary contact person, such as the Buyer or CEO.
  3. Subject: Specify the subject of the enquiry.
  4. Status: Indicate the sales opportunity status (e.g., Open, On hold, Completed won, Completed lost).
  5. Due Date: Set the expected completion date for the sales opportunity.
  6. Stage: Define the current stage (e.g., Quotation sent) using options set in Account Settings.
  7. Probability: Estimate the likelihood of securing the contract (e.g., Hot/25%).
  8. Owner: Assign the sales opportunity to a web user.
  9. Reference: Add a reference number for easy searching.
  10. Notes: Include additional information or tasks related to the sales opportunity.
  11. Insert a timestamp: This adds the date and time to the note.
  12. Completion details: This field will appear when the sales opportunity is put into a Complete Status so any notes about the completion can be added.
  13. Custom fields: Any fields below the grey line are custom fields which can be created in the Account settings by an administrator of the site. 

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In-App Guide: Create a Sales Opportunity

Managing Sales Opportunities

Sales Opportunity Tabs

Documents Tab

Any financial documents such as quotations are created and managed in here.

  • Creating Documents: Select the Add icon to create documents with pre-populated line items.
  • Editing Options: Modify documents, download as PDFs, or email them to customers.

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Jobs Tab

Within the jobs tab, you can create and/or import jobs related to the sales opportunity, conveniently organising all associated jobs in one location.

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When scheduling these jobs, they will function in the same way as usual. After saving, a new field displaying the sales opportunity reference number will appear in the job details popup.

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Notes Tab

Virtual Notepad: Make notes on meetings, visits, and customer requirements.

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Flags Tab

You can add extra visual indicators (flags) to sales opportunities, providing a quick visual alert in the list view to notify users of important information.

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that you can only view one flag at a time. Although you can add multiple flags, only the most recent one will override the others and be visible.

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Attachments Tab

Document Management: Upload and manage documents, specifying visibility settings.

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Managing Documents Related to a Sales Opportunity

The Documents tab allows you to create financial documents such as quotations, invoices, or purchase orders. You can also edit these documents, mark them as sent, assign them to a job, or delete them.

Selecting the Add icon will create a document that automatically populates with the line items specified on the Sales opportunities Details tab. 

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The fields which display are dependent upon your choice of Document type, as shown in the image below.

Please note, the line items can be edited before creating the document. The example shown is of an quotation:

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Once the document is complete and saved, by selecting it, you will be presented with additional options.

  1. File - This will open a further popup giving you the option to download the financial document into a PDF or email it directly to the customer: 
  2. Mark Sent to customer - This allows you to mark the financial document as sent and this date stamps the document.
  3. Assign to Job - The financial document can be grouped with a new job so if you are visiting the prospective customer you have the option to associate the financial document with the visit.  This can be done by adding it to an existing job, a new job or by adding a job reference: 
  4. Edit - this allows you to edit the financial document should you wish, for example if subsequent negotiations alter the price originally quoted. Documents can no longer be edited once sent so a duplicate or additional document would need to be created in that instance.
  5. Delete - Although this option is available it is recommended that these documents not be deleted, as they may be required for future reference and deleting removes them completely from the system.

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