Job Confirmation Email

  • Updated

Confirming a job appointment with your customer is a crucial step to ensure that both parties are aligned on the job details. This article will guide you through the process of confirming a job appointment using BigChange.

Selecting the Job to Confirm

  • Navigate to the Schedule and select the relevant job you wish to confirm.
  • A popup window will appear. Select Send Confirmation from this window.

Job conf 1.png

Customising the Confirmation Email

  • A new window will open, allowing you to customise the confirmation email.
  • The system defaults to a job confirmation template, but you can manually amend the email or choose a different template if preferred.
  • The contact’s email address will auto-populate with the Primary Person's email, but you can add other persons from the contact or cc other email addresses.

Job conf 2.png

Including a Tracking Link

  • You can include a tracking link so the customer can track the resource en route to the job.
  • To do this navigate to Account Settings > Settings > Account > Templates.
  • Edit the Job Confirmation template.
  • Select the Keywords icon, then the Jobs tab, and select the Keyword Tracking link.

Job conf 3.png


Customer's Confirmation Email

  1. The confirmation email received by the customer includes a link to confirm the job time/date and add any additional notes.
  2. The email also includes a calendar attachment, allowing the customer to add the appointment to their Outlook calendar automatically.




Customer's Confirmation Process

  • The customer will confirm the appointment via the link provided in the email.
  • Once the customer clicks 'confirm,' two things will happen:
    • The resource allocated to the job will receive an email advising them that the job has been confirmed.
    • The job will now appear with a green outline on your schedule (it had a red outline before confirmation).

Job conf 4.png

Once the customer has clicked 'confirm'

Now that the job has been confirmed, two things will happen:

  1. The resource allocated to the job will receive an email advising them that the job has now been confirmed by the customer.
  2. The job will now appear with a green outline on your schedule (prior to being confirmed, it has a red outline).


Job prior to confirmation73.png

Job once it has been confirmed



Confirming a job appointment ensures that both you and your customer are on the same page regarding the job details. Follow the steps outlined in this article to efficiently confirm job appointments using BigChange.

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