Creating job types in BigChange is essential for effectively managing and scheduling various activities such as repairs, installations, deliveries, however, as your confidence in using BigChange grows, you can start to use it for other tasks such as meetings, overnight stays and webinars. Each job type acts as a template for the jobs you will be creating, making it easier to organise and execute tasks.
Create a Job Type
To create a new job type, select "Account Settings", and then "Settings". From the side menu, select "Schedule", followed by "Job Types" and then "Add".
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Configuring Job Type Details
To create a basic job type, all you need to add is the name, and a positive result. Once entered, press save, and you will be asked whether you want to set up Automatic Referencing (see below for further details on this area).
Please find below a description of what each of the sections are:
- Name – This is the name of the job type.
- Default Job Card – This is the design that will be loaded on the website and sent out to customers, showing all the details of a completed job. By default, this is set to “Standard Job Card” but customised templates are easy to create and can then be downloaded from the dropdown menu. For further information on how to create your own template, please read the Template article.
- Job Card Title – Here you can enter the title which will appear at the top of the Job Card. Where no name is added, it will be given the name of the Job Type.
- Nominal Code – If you wish to associate this Job Type with a Sage Nominal Code, you can set this here, after first entering Nominal Codes in the Financial section first.
- Department Code – If this particular Job Type is to be associated with Department Codes in Sage, you can enter them here, providing that they have been entered in the Financial section and in Sage.
- Used in BigData report and dashboard – This will allow this job type to be included in the statistics reported on the BigChange Dashboard and on the BigData Report, which measures the completion of the jobs generated in the system.
- Reference – This is typically used either for imports or bespoke integration solutions, where neither is required, it can be left blank.
- Default Job Duration – When creating your Job Types, you also have the option to set a default Job Duration, ie the number of minutes it generally takes to carry out the job. This is a useful guide when job scheduling the job but this figure can be changed on a case by case basis. Editing this at a later date will only affect the default duration on all jobs created after this point and will not affect existing jobs. Note – The duration is set in minutes, so a 5-hour job would show as 300 minutes for example.
- Colour - This is used for easy identification of different job types on the schedule. To use, simply click on the coloured panel and select a colour for this job type. When Jobs of this type appear on the schedule they will now always appear in this colour. (See video at the end of the section).
- Duration will be divided by the number of resources allocated – This is to be used in the event that the job duration can be divided if more resources are allocated to the job. For example, if a job was to paint a room, one resource could complete the job in 3 hours, 2 resources, in 1.5 hours and 3 resources, in 1 hour.
- Default Worksheets – This allows you to automatically load specific worksheets whenever this job type is selected. For example, a service job type may require a ‘Risk Assessment’, ‘Survey’ ‘Works Form’ and ‘Post Work Completion Document’. By selecting them as default, you will ensure that each time a Service is created, these worksheets are assigned to the job. As with the job duration, the worksheets can be amended on a case by case basis and changes made here will only affect jobs created after the changes have been saved.
- Tick boxes – “Worksheets need to be completed in order” will ensure that worksheets are completed in the order that you set here, ensuring that information is captured in a specific order. If you wish your worksheets to appear in an order other than alphanumeric, simply rename them with the prefix ‘01’, ‘02’ etc. “First worksheet appears as soon as the job is started” will ensure that as soon as you have started the job, the worksheet opens and requires filling out on the device. This is useful, for example, if there are site-specific files that your resource needs to read upon arrival. “Negative job result removes mandatory function for worksheet questions” – If a negative response is entered, such as “Unable to access site”, this will remove the requirement to fill out worksheets, as they cannot be completed.
- Default Job Category – This is the Job Category as described in the previous section. This job will be grouped into its chosen category.
- Default Job Details - If there are details specific to this job type then they can be added here. You can select when and where these details are shown but please be aware that a maximum of 100 characters can be displayed.
- Positive Result – These will result in a green Thumbs Up symbol appearing against the job. This is typically labelled as “Completed” or “Finished” and are results which are chosen for a job being completed successfully
- Negative Results - These are typically used to denote that either a job was not completed or was completed with errors. Some examples include “Completed with Issues”, “No Show”, “Not Completed”, and “Unfinished”.Please remember that in both instances, on the job result page, there is a section where the resource can type in comments, these can be used to give context to the result chosen if required.
- Stock Category Concerned – If you are using the Stock Facility, you can assign a specific default stock category which is associated with this Job Type
- Stock Item will be – This option will allow you to assign a default stock item to this type of Job. For example, if you are doing an “A/B Motor replacement” Job, you could assign an “A/B Motor” as the default Stock Item.
- Systems - this allows a System (a grouping of Stock & Equipment items which are always used on this job type) to be automatically added. To create a System navigate: Stock & Equipment → Systems → Create a system, then name it and then allocate the required items of Stock and Equipment to it. For more information on Systems, please view the Setting Up a System section of the Stock & Equipment article.
- Order Number – This will require an order number to be entered when creating this job type. Order numbers could be Purchase Order or Work Order details, given to you by your client that need to be quoted on the Job Card or Financial Document.
Job Types Device Settings
At the top of the Job Type Dialogue Box, you have a number of tabs to choose from. Selecting "Device" will open the below "Device Settings" options.
These settings will allow you to alter how the jobs behave when viewed on the devices. Below is a description of what each of the options do:
- Used to create jobs from device – This allows you to create this job type from a device. This is useful for jobs such as out of hours work.
- Jobs arrive silently on devices – When a job is sent to a device, by default, it creates an audible notification, and pops up on the screen. Choosing this option will mute the audible notification/popup.
- Job is automatically completed as soon as a result is entered – By default when a result is entered, the job completes (either positively or negatively). However, you may wish to change this if you want to complete the job manually after the job is completed, rather than at the site.
- Jobs cannot be completed without a signature or name – Some jobs, such as internal office jobs, may not require a signature, and therefore this option could be used. More often than not you will however want the resource to capture the name of the person on site, if on occasion there is no one available to sign, the engineer can write ‘CNP’ for ‘Customer Not Present. By selecting this option, a job will not be able to be completed without something appearing in the signature/name box.
- Resources can edit jobs (e.g. change job type) – By default, Resources cannot edit jobs on the device. However, if the job is subject to change, for example a replacement could become a repair, you can tick this option.
- Resources have to accept jobs – When a resource accepts a job, the colour of the job changes on the schedule. You can use the ‘accepting of jobs’ as a way of the resource confirming that they have read and understood their instructions, and will carry out the work. By unticking this box, jobs will automatically be marked as accepted on the schedule.
- Resources can refuse jobs – If this option is selected, resources have the option to refuse a job, alerts can be set up to notify specific office members should a job be refused. When refusing a job, the resource has the option of entering a reason.
- Resources have to start driving to jobs – This is ticked by default. This is to be used for if a job needs to have driving time recorded. If the job only takes place at the office, you can choose not to record this.
- A prompt to use the sat nav is shown when driving to jobs – The devices all have sat nav installed by default. If selected, when the resource starts driving, a prompt will appear asking whether they wish to use the sat nav. If ‘yes’ is chosen, the sat nav will load, with the address of the job added automatically.
- Resources have to start jobs – By default, resources have to start jobs. However, this can be deselected if you do not wish for this to happen. This might be used if you are creating jobs retrospectively from the device.
- Resources can suspend jobs – This option is used when the time spend on the job is to be paused, for example when the resource takes lunch, or they go to get parts. It should not be used for example when they leave site and return in a few days time (this would be classed as a multiple job, covered later).
- Resources can cancel driving to jobs – This option allows the resource to say they are no longer driving to the job they have said they would be. It is particularly useful if resources get ‘pulled off’ jobs to go and attend to other customers requirements.
- Resources can confirm all job consignments in one go – Consignments are a group of items. By enabling this option, it allows you to confirm the movement in one go, rather than individually.
- Resources must action all consignments before job completion – Before a job can be completed, all consignments need to have their movements confirmed.
- Remove job’s default result if planned stock movement can’t be carried out – If stock movement is not possible (no stock available), and there is a default result (“Completed”), this will no longer be the default, as another result may be required.
- Resources need to confirm stock used for job – If you have a stock item assigned to a job, the resource will need to confirm that they used the stock.
- Resources can confirm all job stock actions in one go - This introduces a 'Validate all' button on the tablet/device which will allow the resource to confirm all stock items in a single action.
- Allow copy of worksheet for multiple consignments/stock items - This allows a resource to copy the answers across for one item to other items of stock or equipment used on a job where the same worksheet is being used.
- Resources can record driving duration after job completion - This allows you to include the cost of the driving time after a job to the total cost of the job itself. For example, you may wish to charge the cost of driving from the customer’s premises back to Head Office.
- Resources can change the time when recording driving duration - This is a subsidiary option which only appears when (19) is ticked. Both (19) and (20) need to be ticked in order for the accurate charge of additional mileage to be calculated and added to the customer's invoice.
Once you have selected your options, select Save.
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