Job flags

  • Updated

Job flags are a powerful feature within BigChange that allows you to categorise and highlight jobs requiring your attention. This tool can significantly enhance your job management capabilities, providing a level of organisation and efficiency that can greatly improve your workflow.

Creating Job Flags

Steps to Create a Job Flag

To create a Job Flag, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the [Top menu] Profile (icon) > Admin Settings > Schedule > Job flags

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  • Select Add
  • Label and colour the job flag appropriately to represent the category/description of job, or what will be required on the job.

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Flags on device

The "On devices" tickbox allows flags to be available for resources to select from their mobile devices.

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Resources can see and add job flags on their device by navigating to the job details screen. Flags can also be added to jobs via the job result screen when signing jobs off as complete or not complete.

Accessing Job Flags

  • Open the BigChange mobile app on your device.
  • Navigate to the job details screen for the specific job you are working on.
  • Look for the flags section within the job details screen.


Adding Job Flags

  • Tap on the flags section to view available flags.
  • Select the appropriate flag for the job.
  • Save your selection to apply the flag to the job.

Adding Flags When Signing Off Jobs

  • After completing a job, navigate to the job result screen.
  • You will see an option to add a flag before signing the job off as complete or not complete.
  • Select the relevant flag from the list.
  • Proceed to sign off the job with the selected flags.



Filtering using Job Flags

Steps to Filter Using Job Flags

To filter using job flags, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Schedule
  • Select Display
  • Select 'List' Tab
  • Under the Filter section
  • Select a Flag from the drop-down menu












Using the Filtered View

In the list view, you can view jobs that you have previously flagged.

Examples include a list of jobs flagged as 'Ready to be invoiced' or 'Quote required'.

The list view combined with flagging is an invaluable tool which allows you to target specific jobs with different needs/requirements.

If you do not see the column titled ‘Flag’, select the Columns link and tick the box 'Flag'

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Job flags in BigChange are a versatile tool that can greatly enhance your task management and workflow efficiency. By creating and labelling job flags, and then filtering using these flags, you can easily categorise and prioritise jobs that require your attention. Start using job flags today to streamline your operations and improve productivity.


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