Job custom fields

  • Updated

Custom job fields in BigChange allow you to gather additional job-specific information that is not available by default.

This feature is particularly useful for capturing unique details such as site access requirements or parking availability. Custom fields can be added to your templates or custom JobCards built by BigChange.




Creating a Job Custom Field

Steps to Create Job Custom Fields

To create custom job fields in BigChange, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to: [Top menu] Account settings (icon) → Settings

Job Custom Field 1.png

  1. [Side menu] Schedule
  2. Job custom fields.
  3. Select the Job Type you wish to add the field to.
  4. Select 'Add' to create the new field.

 Field Options

  1. Field Label:- This is the name of the field and visible on the job.
  2. Type:- This is the type of field. There are numerous options:
    • Yes/No:- Simple yes or no option
    • Decimal:- Can only enter a decimal
    • Whole number:- Only enter a whole number
    • Text:- Enter free text
    • Long text:- Enter free text
    • List:- Allows you to create a list of options where resources can select one of or multiple.
    • Date:- Select a date from calendar picker
    • Time:- Users can enter a time (09:00)
    • Statement:- This allows a statement to be entered, where it is read by user.
    • System list:- Allows users to select either a resource, web user or vehicle from the system.
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Depending on what type of field is choosen the system will display addition fields relating to the type. This may differ depending on type.

   3. Field Visibility and Requirements

  • Required Answer: This option appears when the ‘Mandatory’ option is ticked. It ensures a specific response is essential before continuing.
  • Message to Display if Required Answer Not Given: This field appears when there is a value in the ‘Required answer’ field, allowing you to set the text that will appear if the required answer is not met.
  • Default Value: This conditional field appears when ‘Date’ is selected.
  • On Booking Site:- This option makes the field visible on the booking site for clients to fill in.
  • On Devices:- This option ensures the field appears on devices, useful for field-based engineers.



Copying Custom Fields to Multiple Groups

Steps to Copy Custom Fields

Each job type has its custom fields. To repeat some fields across multiple job types:

  1. Use the ‘Copy list to…’ function.
  2. Complete the popup form.
  3. Select 'Ok' to transfer all fields from one group to another.

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Should you copy the custom fields from one group to another, any pre-existing custom fields in the group you are copy the fields to, will be deleted and replaced. 

Before you complete the copying of custom fields, you will receive an on-screen warning reminding you of this.



Deleteing a custom field

Deleting a custom field in BigChange is a permanent action and cannot be undone. All the data associated with that field will be lost. Therefore, it's crucial to double-check and confirm that the data in the field is no longer required before proceeding with deletion. 

The system will provide an on-screen warning asking are 'Are you sure you want to delete this custom field?' before the deletion process is completed to remind you of this.



Viewing and using job custom fields

This will then appear as a custom field at the bottom of all jobs:

Job Custom Field 4.png

On Devices

When viewing jobs on devices, this field will also appear. If the field pertains to information that a field-based engineer should be able to see (for example is parking available on site, yes/no), selecting this option will allow the field and its value to be available.


Making fields mandatory

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Custom job fields in BigChange provide a flexible way to capture additional job-specific information. By following the steps outlined, you can create, manage, and copy custom fields to suit your business needs.


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