Job Specific Financials

  • Updated

(Rates, Invoice Items, Predefined Invoice Items & Sales Opportunities)

When creating a Job Type, it is possible to set some Job Type specific financial information which is automatically associated with this type. This can include rates, and invoice line items which are defaulted to the invoice. For example, a Call Out might have a specific callout charge and a specific rate for the time of date or day of the week. 

This kind of granular approach to finances allows you complete control over your job margins, allowing you to set these not only for Job Types but for customers.

To do this, when creating the Job Type, at the top of the screen, click on the Financial tab, which will take you to the following screen.


You will notice that there are two sub-headings of Rates and Invoicing.


To add a Rate, ensure that the correct tab is selected at the top, and click Ok at the bottom of the screen.


The rate for a job of this type will be determined by taking these answers

and then calculating a total figure.

From here, you can add information relating to rates charged against this type of job. Below are descriptions of what the above options mean:

  1. Override contact’s set rates - Where you have set specific rates for individual clients, here you are given the option to override them if needed. You may wish to do this, for example, for a call-out charge where you have a standard rate which is universally applicable.
  2. Period – This is the time period where this rate is applicable. For example, the standard rate may be 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday, and an out of hours rate may be anything outside of those times.  Select days and times from the dropdown list.
  3. Fixed Price – This is a fixed rate. For example, a call-out charge.
  4. Driving Hourly Rate – If you charge time for driving to a job, the hourly figure can be input here. It may differ depending on whether you select planned or actual in field 15.
  5. Rate per mile – Allows you to set a cost per mile driven whilst undertaking the job. Again, your choice of planned or actual will make a difference, it will either be an estimated distance or literally how far the driver travelled from their start point, including any diversions, etc.
  6. Driving from a fixed location – Choosing “No” will calculate the distance driven from the point the resource says ‘start driving to job’ to ‘start job’ on the tablet. Choosing “Yes” will allow you to choose a fixed starting location, such as Head Office. More relevant when using planned duration (15).
  7. Drive Time Rounding – Allows you to choose to either round up or round down the driving time, commonly in 15 minute increments. This is more often rounded up. If 60 is chosen, this will round up to the nearest hour.
  8. Driving Multiplier – This option allows you to multiply the final selling cost of travel by a specific number. For example, 1 would be standard rate. 0.5 would be half the standard rate and if you wanted to charge a customer for travel both to and from their location, you would set it at 2.
  9. Working Hourly Rate, First Hour – This allows you to set a rate for the first hour, if it is to be different from the following hours. For example, the first hour charged at £25, and then £10 per hour thereafter.
  10. Working Hourly Rate, after 1st hour – As in the above example, this allows you to set the rate after the first hour
  11. Working Hourly Rate Over Planned Duration - This allows you to set a figure for working time which exceeds the planned period of the job.
  12. Hourly Rate Rounding (minutes) – This allows you to round your hourly rate up or down. If for example, you wanted to round up to the nearest hour, you would choose 60 or 15 for the nearest quarter of an hour.
  13. Multiply by the number of resources – If there are multiple resources undertaking a job, you can multiply the hourly rate by the number of resources. For example, if the standard rate was £10, if 4 resources were used, it would be £40.
  14. Show working rate even if amount is 0 – This is to be used if you want an hourly rate shown, even if the number of hours worked is 0, eg if you are already on-site and don't want to add driving time.
  15. Durations used – You can use either Planned or Actual durations. If you choose to charge the rate quoted, regardless of the duration actually taken, then use Planned. If not, Actual will charge the rate of the time actually worked.
  16. VAT Code – You can choose the VAT amount charged here.

If you have a job which has a call out rate which includes the first hour’s work. The fixed price would be the call out rate, the ‘Working Hourly Rate, First Hour’ would be £0 (as this is included in the fixed price), with the hourly rate being input into ‘Working Hourly Rate, after 1st Hour’. Please note, the VAT Code is set in the Financial Settings by navigating:

  • Navigate to: [Top menu] Profile (icon) Admin Settings[side menu]Financial VAT codes

and cannot be created here, only assigned.  Once you have created your options, press Ok.


Rates Across Multiple Time Periods

BigChange can also calculate the actual cost of Jobs which span two or more Rate periods.

Begin in the back office by setting rates for the relevant Job Type if you have not already done so.

  • Navigate to:[Top menu] Profile (icon) → Admin Settings[side menu] Schedule Job TypesSelect a Job Type[tab] Financial[tab] Rates [icon] Add

Tailoring a Contact's Financial Configuration

For those customers with overlapping rates, it is possible to customise a Contact's rate configuration, either for one or all Job types.

  • Navigate to:CRM → [side menu] Contacts → select contact → [tab] Financial → [icon] Add discount:


Once you have clicked on the 'Add discount' icon, a new popup window will open:


Complete the fields appropriately, paying particular attention to using '-' before a number for a discount.  The finished forms may look something like this, with the 2 different rates clearly labelled for example purposes only:


A Boiler Installation for Royal Bathrooms, taking place between 8.00-10.00 will, therefore, cross two rate periods, Rate A and Rate B. The job rate will be therefore be calculated as follows:


A Financial Document for this job will, therefore, be totalled as the combined cost including differing rates and markups/discounts:


For a detailed look at Rates and Rating Tables, please read the separate article.



Clicking on the Invoicing tab and clicking 'Add' on the popup window will result in the  screen below:


This screen will allow you to add any pre-defined invoicing items you have created (AdminFinancialPredefined Invoicing Items) and add them by default for the job type.

Whenever the job is created, these line items will automatically be added to the job financial tab.


Using Sales Opportunities Line Items Against Jobs

Settings in the back office allow you to decide the relationship between Sales Opportunities' line items and the jobs which they convert into.

  • Navigate to:[Top menu] Profile (icon)Admin Settings[Quick Links] General account Settings[Section] Schedule:



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