Unsubscribe Persons from Marketing Emails

  • Updated

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to manage marketing email subscriptions for persons in BigChange. This feature allows you to manually edit a person's subscription status, ensuring that your marketing emails are sent to the right people and you are GDPR compliant.


Editing a Persons email marketing subscription status

To edit a person's email marketing subscription status, follow these steps:

  1. Select "CRM" from the top menu, followed "Contacts" from the side menu
  2. Select the "Persons" tab
  3. Use the filter options in the side menu to find the person you wish to edit.
  4. Select the person from the persons list view, followed by "Edit".
  5. In the 'Details' tab, scroll to the "Marketing email" section and tick the "Doesn't want to receive marketing email" tick box.
  6. Select "Ok" to save your changes.

Filtering the Persons List by Subscription Status

In addition to editing a person's subscription status, you can also filter the persons list view by subscription status, You can select the following options from the "Marketing Email" filter:

  • All
  • Ok
  • Unsubscribed


Managing marketing email subscriptions in BigChange is a straightforward process that can help you ensure your marketing emails are reaching the right audience and GDPR compliant By manually editing a person's subscription status and filtering the person list by subscription status, you can easily keep track of who is subscribed to receive your marketing emails.


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