Note Priorities in BigChange

  • Updated

In BigChange, Notes can be a powerful tool for businesses, especially when used regularly. To enhance their functionality, you can create different priority types or levels. These priorities can be part of sets, such as for Customer Service or Sales, making it easier to manage and organise your Notes effectively.

Setting Up Note Priorities

To set up priority options for each Note type, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Account settings icon in the top menu.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. In the side menu, select Contacts & Notes.
  4. Select Note priorities.

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Configuring Note Priorities

Once you are in the Note priorities section, you can:

  • Set up different priority, such as:
    • Low
    • Medium
    • High
    • Urgent

Allocate a colour to the priority as a visual indicator.

  • Select 'Add'
  • Name - Give the priority a name. (low, medium etc)
  • Colour - Select a colour.
  • Save

Add as many as is required.

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Creating Note Priority Sets

Attribute Note Priorities to a Set

To attribute these Note priorities to a Note priorities set:

  1. Select the Account settings icon in the top menu.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. In the side menu, select Contacts & Notes.
  4. Select Note priorities set.

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Select Add to create your set.

  1. Name - Give your set a name.
  2. Default priority - This will be the priority the note is set to on creation, which then can be changed.
  3. Add item - To add a priority drop down to your set.
  4. Select the priorities you require from the dropdown list.
  5. Add as many priorities you are require.
  6. Save

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Add priorities sets to Note Types

  • Select the Account settings icon in the top menu.
  • Select Settings.
  • In the side menu, select Contacts & Notes.
  • Select NoteTypes.
  • Select the Note type you want to add the priority set too.
    • Edit
    • Set the Priority set drop down list.
    • Select Ok to Save.

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Using priories on notes

  • Select to the CRM section in the top menu.
  • Select NOTES in the side menu.
  • Select the New note icon to create a new note.
  • When you choose a Type, a new Priority field will appear if a priority set is associated with it.
    The Priority field will default to the default priority, but you can change it by selecting from the drop-down list.

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Tracking Note Priority Changes

User Events for New Priorities

When a new priority is added, the event will appear in User events. To view these events:

  1. Select the Account settings icon in the top menu.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. In the side menu, select ACCOUNT.
  4. Select User events.

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Utilising Note Priorities

Displaying Note Priorities

The note priority can be shown as a sortable column in the Notes list view. This column is also available as a filter option.

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Note export blue prints.

Note priorities can be included in blueprint exports.

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Setting up Note priorities in BigChange can significantly enhance your ability to manage and organise Notes. By following the steps outlined above, you can create priority types, attribute them to sets, and configure permissions for updating priorities. This functionality ensures that your Notes are prioritised effectively, improving overall efficiency.


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