Adding questions to worksheets

  • Updated

Worksheets in BigChange are a versatile tool that allows you to gather information efficiently. This guide will walk you through the process of creating and managing worksheets, including adding questions, setting up Launch App questions, and using advanced features like icons and OCR.

Adding Questions to Worksheets

Creating Questions

Select Add to insert a new question into your worksheet.


Worksheets can contain as many questions as you like. The question itself is entered in the first box Question. Other options are as follows:


  • Type – This lays out the form of response you expect from the question you are asking.  Select from
  • Yes/No: A simple yes/no based response.
  • Cost: A description and amount will be entered as a line item against the job.
  • Decimal: A number with a decimal place.
  • Whole Number: A number without a decimal place.
  • Text: A text based response which can be limited by characters if you wish, or left unconstrained.
  • Statement: A text-based statement which can be read by either the resource, or presented to your customer.
  • Date: Date-based response will be required using the date picker.
  • Time: A time-based response.
  • List: Resources can either select a single response or make a selection of multiple answers.
  • Signature: A name and signature box will be presented.
  • Photo: The resource will be asked to take a photo. If the resource is required to take several images, you can either ask multiple picture-based questions or use the picture section on the job detail page.
  • Barcode: By either using the camera or typing the details in manually, the text contained within the barcode will be saved.
  • Launch App: A separate application will be launched; this functionality is only available on Android.

Following security changes to Android 12, new Launch App questions will require additional information to be provided called the activity class, and the name of the APK. You can obtain the activity using our BigChange Launcher app which is attached to this article.

Android may introduce new security measures that means we can no longer support this functionality.

Follow the steps below when setting up a new Launch App question.  You only need to do this once per question, and the Launch App question will work for all resources.

that existing Launch App questions are not affected by these Android security changes.

Steps to follow when setting up a new launch App question:


    • Check the package name is correct. There is information in the worksheet question to help you identify this.


Please note, 3rd party apps may require the customer to provide you with the package name.

    • Tap to generate a QR code on the worksheet question


    • Open the BigChange Launcher Application on your device


    • Tap to “Start Camera”
    • Scan the QR code


The app will provide error messaging if the Activity Class has already been added or, if there are issues updating the question.

    • The app will provide you with the relevant information, tap to send activity class.


    • View confirmation of successful question update on the Big Launcher App.
    • After saving the question, the worksheet question will update to confirm the Activity Class has been successful applied.


  • Icons list: Specify answer options from a predefined list of icons and they will be shown on the device, so the person filling the worksheet can very quickly pick an icon for their answer to the question.  There is a wide variety of icons to choose from, each available in blue, black, red, green and orange:15.png16.png
  • Optical character recognition: OCR is the ability to convert different types of documents, for example, scans, business cards, letters or PDF files, into editable, searchable data. As an example, using OCR, the number plate on the image has been recognised and will now be searchable.17.png

View file: select the relevant file from the file library.  This could be used, for example, to ensure that site health and safety instructions have been read.

Mandatory: Selecting whether or not a question is mandatory. The stage by which an answer needs to be given is dependant on the completion time.

Visibility: If this box is ticked, both the question and response will be displayed on our standard job card. If unticked, neither the question, nor answer will be displayed. Custom build job cards will not be affected by this.

Default Answer: For all questions except; ‘Statement’, ‘Date’, ‘Signature’, ‘Photo’, ‘Barcode’ or ‘Launch App’ a default answer can be selected. If a default answer is added, any mandatory function set on the question will not be effective since an answer will be pre-filled.

Answer At Risk: For the question types; ‘Yes/No’, ‘Cost’, ‘Decimal’, ‘Whole Number’; ‘Text’, ‘Time’ and ‘List’, an ‘At Risk’ response can be selected. This allows you to set up an alert to be triggered when that response is given. Since matching ‘Yes/No’ is binary, this is the suggested method of triggering an at-risk question.  At-risk answers can be used to trigger an alert for the back office or a suitable recipient.  For example, if the question is 'Is the equipment on site' it would be a yes/no response, with 'Yes' being the default answer and 'No' being the answer at risk.  When 'No' is pressed by the engineer and saved, an alert will be sent so that the office/recipient will immediately know that there is a problem and can begin remedial action.

Please note, that you cannot have multiple At-risk answers for the same question.

Where Worksheets are especially large, i.e. 10 or more questions, an additional ‘add’ button can be found at the bottom of the worksheet for your convenience. 



Branch to Rating Table Symbol

The use of a Rating Table as a Worksheet answer is signposted by the appearance of a blue ‘$’ sign next to a worksheet question in a list.  This indicates that a Rating Table is a conditional branching response to this question.

Navigate to Account Settings > Settings > Schedule > Worksheets.

19.png20.png21.png If you would like further information, please read the main article on Rating Tables.


This guide provides a comprehensive overview of creating and managing worksheets in BigChange. By following these steps, you can efficiently gather and manage data, ensuring smooth operations. For more detailed information on specific features like Rating Tables, please refer to the main article.

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