Job group templates

  • Updated

Job Group Template


The 'Job group template' icon allows you to set up individual jobs, grouped together against a single group template, aka, 'group jobs or 'job groups''.   

Whereas 'New group jobs' are useful for things like projects or for jobs that are not regularly repeated as a group for multiple customers, Job Group Templates are perfect for situations where job groupings are typically combined eg a site clear up job (Job 1) might regularly be coupled with a job disposing of the collected waste (Job 2).  When this icon is pressed and the template is selected, all the jobs included in it will automatically appear.

As a bonus, when importing you have additional options:

  1. Contact Job Groups – this option allows import by using either your own Job Group Template or one which you have downloaded from our Help Centre.
  2. Contact Job Group Rates – these enable the import of multiple line items by providing both the contact and job group references as well as the line item charges.
  • Matching export options are also available. Begin by setting up a Job Group Template in the back office. Navigate: My Account → Administration → [side menu] Schedule → Job group templates → Add

Once we have successfully set up the Job group template's back office, we can move on to the Schedule.

  1. To begin, Navigate:  Schedule →  [icon] Job group template
  2. A 'New jobs...' popup window will have opened.  Fields (1) and (2) are mandatory and must be completed, whilst a reference number and order number are optional. If the 'Job group ref.' is left blank, the system will create one automatically if set up to do so:


You will find that once you have made a selection from the 'Group template' field, the jobs which you associated with the project in the Administration stage will automatically appear in a 'Template jobs' section, as shown outlined below. 

Note that the comments in bold between the 2 sections will vary depending on the configuration you selected in Administration:

19.png 3.   

If you wish to schedule the jobs right away, input (1) dates and (2) times for each of the jobs (as shown above) then click (3) 'Create job group' to continue, eg:


If you do not enter a resource, date and time, the jobs will be created but will appear in the side menu

under 'unscheduled jobs'. 4. A popup will have now opened:


If you click 'Yes' then the following window will open:


The above is essentially the job group hub and will include all information relating to the jobs within the template, including everything from attachments and activity stages, to notes, messages and flags.  You will see that each of the jobs is displayed, together with all of the information we have input which pertains to them.

The Duration field on the far right shows both the time for each job and the cumulative working time for the entire group of jobs.

Using this section of the job group you can easily find exactly what you are looking for through the many filter options, a useful feature on large, complex projects which include a large number of jobs.

You will note that the first column is made up of checkboxes.  Ticking all, some or any of these will cause a new icon to appear 'Selected jobs'

23.png The number shown next to the icon is the number of jobs which have been selected. Click on the icon and a new dropdown list of options will appear which can be carried out on the selected jobs, leaving the other jobs in the group unchanged:


  • Unallocate - this will move the selected jobs back to the the 'unscheduled jobs' menu.
  • Cancel - you will be asked to confirm that you wish to cancel the selected jobs and to provide a reason for cancellation.  You will have the option to keep a record of the cancelled jobs 25.png
  • Reassign - will allow you to change the resource who will carry out the jobs.  Note you can only reassign jobs where the date and time have already been set 26.png
  • Schedule - where any jobs within the group have not been scheduled or where they have been unallocated, you can schedule them here. You will then be asked to refresh your page to update the jobs 27.png28.png
  • Apply group recurrence - this allows you to set recurrences for the group of jobs specified eg for regular collection-delivery routines.
  • Edit - this allows users to edit a number of different fields for the selected jobs in one action 
  • Edit prices - You can edit or add any line items associated with these jobs 

Note that the Financial tab will show all the line items associated with the entire group of jobs (a sum of the line items of each of the component parts) and a copy of all Financial documents raised in relation to each job associated with it. 5. Click to Save.  You will see that all of the jobs now appear against the resources in the Schedule





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