This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to set up a Timesheet Worksheet in BigChange and apply it to activities. This is crucial for tracking work hours and ensuring that all necessary tasks are completed in a timely manner.
Setting Up a Timesheet Worksheet
To create a new Timesheet Worksheet, follow these steps:
- Go to Account Settings
- Select Settings
- Select Forms
- Select Timesheet worksheet
- Select Add.
A pop-up will open. Name the timesheet, select a group to whom it applies if desired and a completion time.
Choosing a Completion Time
The completion times available are:
- At any time: Mandatory worksheet questions are not enforced since completion is At any time.
- Before starting the activity: Mandatory questions must be completed before the activity is started.
- Before completing the activity: Mandatory questions must be completed before the activity is completed.
- After completing the activity: Mandatory questions must be completed after the activity is completed.
Adding Questions to the Worksheet
Once the worksheet has been created, you can add questions to it by selecting the worksheet and then Edit.
A pop-up will open, select Add and add as many questions as you want.
Applying Worksheets to Activities
You will now need to apply your worksheet to activities.
- Navigate to Account Settings.
- Select Settings.
- Select Forms.
- Select Timesheet activities.
- Select a Resource Group.
- By default, three activities will appear: Start work, End work and Signature. You can add custom stages by selecting Add.
- To link a worksheet to an activity, select it and select Edit.
- In the Worksheet field, select one or multiple worksheets and click Save.
- Don’t forget to press Send when you have finished.
How it Translates Onto a Device
When a resource from the group now opens their Timesheet to start work, the Worksheet will automatically open with the message 'You need to fill the mandatory worksheet answers before starting work.' As well as the * next to the questions showing that they are mandatory, any default answer will also show. Where the default response is not given, you will be asked for additional details or further action:
Once all questions are answered, a resource will be able to sign in as usual. You will notice that a green icon is displayed next to their sign in to show that the Worksheet(s) was completed:
Setting up and applying a Timesheet Worksheet in BigChange is a straightforward process that can greatly enhance your ability to track work hours and ensure task completion. Remember to press Send when you have finished setting up your worksheet and applying it to activities.
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