Reporting Vehicle Defects and Adding Notes

  • Updated

This article serves as a guide for reporting vehicle defects and adding notes or comments using BigChange. This process is essential for ensuring the safety and efficiency of your fleet.

Typically, defects are reported by field resources using their mobile devices after completing vehicle check.

Viewing and adding notes to a defect can either be done by the resource on this mobile device of by a office web user.


Viewing Vehicle Defects from the Back Office

To report a vehicle defect from the back office, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to 'Fleet & Resources' on the main menu.
  • Select 'Fleet' from the side menu.
  • Click on 'Registration'.
  • Select 'View' to open the vehicle's details in a popup menu.


  • Click on the next tab to the right labelled 'Open Defects'.
  • Here you will see any defects raised and by viewing you can add notes and comments.



 Adding Notes and Comments to Vehicle Defects

Adding notes and comments to vehicle defects in BigChange is similar to adding them elsewhere in the system. If you use the '@' symbol before a resource's name, they will receive an email notification that they have been mentioned (if they are linked to a user with their email). Once they have been mentioned in a thread, they will automatically be added to future comments in that dialogue.

To add notes and comments to a vehicle defect, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to 'Fleet & Resources'.
  • Click on the vehicle with the defect.
  • Select 'View'.
  • Go to the 'Open Defects' tab.
  • Click on the defect to which you want to add a note or comment.
  • Select 'View'.



Here you are able to see a photo (if any) of the defect and any comments the Reourse has made and a dialogue of notes.



Adding a defect from the back office.

If a back-office web user wishes to add a defect to a vehicle from the back office, they must first be set up as a resource in BigChange.

To do this, navigate to Account Settings in the top menu, select Settings and then select Resources in the side menu followed by > Add - Edit to create a new resource.

In the licensing settings, they should be marked as "Not active for JobWatch."


Then, under the web user settings, they need to select the option to "Link to an existing web user." This configuration enables the back-office web user to add defects without needing a mobile device.


This will then allow defects to be added from the back office in the fleet & resources section.




Understanding how to report vehicle defects and add notes or comments to these defects in BigChange is essential for maintaining the safety and efficiency of your fleet. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that all necessary information is accurately recorded and communicated.

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