Messages in BigChange

  • Updated

The messaging feature in BigChange is a powerful tool that enables quick and efficient communication with your resources and web users. This feature allows you to stay connected with your team, whether they are in the field or in the office. Messages are internal communications and can be sent in the following ways:

  • Web user to web user
  • Web user to resource
  • Resource to web user

Messages can be sent and received in real-time in several formats, including text (SMS) and directly to a device within the BigChange app. Using resource groups, you can also communicate with teams and departments. For more information on resource groups, refer to the Help Centre article on Resources.

Viewing Messages

To read your messages, select "Messages" from the top menu.1. Messages in BigChange.PNG

Using the Display side menu, you can apply the following filters:


  • Messages
    • My messages: Displays all messages either sent to me or sent by me.
    • Sent by me: Displays all messages sent by me.
    • Sent to me: Displays all messages sent to me.
  • Sent On
    • All: Displays all messages regardless of the date they were sent.
    • Today: Displays all messages sent on today’s date.
    • This week: Displays all messages sent in that calendar week.
    • Other: Displays all messages sent from a selected time period.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Group messages by thread: Displays messages in the thread they are associated with.
    • Unread only: Displays only messages that are marked as unread.
    • With replies only: Displays only messages that have received replies.

By using a combination of these filters, you can locate the messages most relevant to you, reducing the time taken to manually search.


Sending Messages as a Web User

To send a message as a web user, navigate to the Messages tab, select "Send a message" and begin typing a web user, resource, or resource group.

2. Messages in BigChange.png

SMS are chargeable, whereas sending to a device will use only data to retrieve the message from the resource’s device.


When selecting "Device", you can define response options and a sending time. This improves efficiency for resources where a response is required and allows you to schedule the message for sending at an appropriate time.

When sending to a web user, the message looks very similar to an email. Type the name of an existing web user in the "to" box, give the message a subject and body text, and select "Send".


Sending Messages as an App User

To send a message from the app on a device, navigate to "Messages" from the Dashboard screen, and select "New Message".



  • Enter the details of the person you wish to send the message to.
  • Give your message a title by entering relevant information into the "Subject" field.
  • Enter the details of your message in the "Write Message" field.
  • Select "Send Message".

App users can only send/reply to messages if this has been enabled by their system administrator.

To enable app users to send messages from their device, navigate to:

  • [Top menu] Account settings (icon)
  • Settings
  • Resources [side menu]
  • Phone Book
  • Resource Group.

From the "Messages" column, select the web user groups that can be messaged by resources from their devices. Once selections are made, select "Send" to update your resources' devices.



Scheduling When Messages Are Sent

To schedule a message to a resource, navigate to the Messages in the top menu and select "Send a message +".

  1. In the "To" box, type in the name of the resource you wish to message.
  2. Use the "Don’t send before" part of the pop-up to specify the date/time you want it to be delivered to the device.

To send the message instantly, leave the "don’t send before" section blank.

message 2.png


Urgent Messages Checkbox

BigChange is committed to improving road and driver safety and we are keenly aware of the dangers to members of the mobile workforce when receiving messages whilst driving. At the same time, we recognise that there may be occasions, for instance, when an assistant is on board, that the back office would wish to allow urgent messages to be sent through immediately.

We therefore offer two scenarios:

  1. As standard, the last checkbox on the Send Message screen below will be disabled:
  2. For scenarios where there are routinely two or more people on-board a vehicle, the back office will still be able to ensure urgent messages go straight out in the following way.



  • [Top menu] Account settings (icon)
  • Settings
  • Accounts [side menu]
  • Account settings
    • Website [section]
    • Select Yes [Display “Urgent” checkbox in the message popup tick box]. Messages can then be created in the usual way.


Mark Message as Unread

To mark a message as unread, navigate to the Messages in the top menu and locate the message you wish to mark as "unread". Select the message and choose "Mark Unread".

3. Messages in BigChange.png

Once you have marked the message as unread, you will see that the message’s icon will change back to the blue “new message” icon, as shown below:



Sending Job Confirmations and Messages by SMS

SMS messages are charged at £0.05 + VAT per 160 characters, for each person messaged.

Jobs’ confirmations messages sent from a note popup, and messages sent from a Contact popup, can be sent by email or SMS. Choose between sending "Email" or "SMS" and fill in the corresponding options.

Sending Messages to a Resource Group as SMS

To send a message to a whole group of individuals at once, use “Resource Group Mobile” on the Message Tab.



Sending SMS in Bulk

In the CRM, it is possible to use “Send All” to issue an SMS. Navigate to CRM → Contact [side menu] → Send all.

4. Messages in BigChange.png


Creating an SMS Automation for Alerts

It is possible to create an SMS Automation to alert customers or colleagues when a triggering event occurs.

To do this, navigate to:

  • [Top menu] Account settings (icon)
  • Settings
  • General Account Settings [Quick Links menu]
  • Automation [side menu].

Stages of creating an example of a quotation expiring SMS automation is shown below:




The messaging feature in BigChange is a versatile tool for internal communication. By following the steps outlined, you can efficiently manage and send messages to your team. For further assistance, refer to the Help Centre or contact support.

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