Invoices can be created in a number of ways in BigChange:
- Go to CRM > Financial documents > New financial document.
- Go to CRM > Contacts > select Contact > Edit > Financial > Add +
- From accepted quotations. Go to CRM > Financial documents > Documents > Quotation > Mark accepted > Create an invoice.
- Go to Schedule > select a Job > View > Financial > Create financial document.
or alternatively, from only ticked item from the list of items
By way of an example, let's take a closer look at this fourth option, creating a financial document against a job.
- Select to add a financial line item either: manually freehand; through a predefined item which has been setup in Account Settings. Go to Account Settings > Settings > Financial > Predefined invoicing item; or as an item of stock or equipment, go to Stock & Equipment > Add stock or equipment).
- Change the quantity if required.
- Enter the nominal code if required. If Nominal codes have been setup in Account Settings they will appear as drop-down options once you begin to type.
- Enter the department code, usually used in Sage. If Department codes have been setup in Account Settings they will appear as drop-down options once you begin to type. Please note, fields 3 & 4 only appear where some options have been setup in Account Settings.
- Enter a description of the financial line item if you have selected the Add item option (otherwise it will have auto-populated).
- Enter the cost of the financial line item if you have selected the Add item option (otherwise it will have auto-populated).
- Enter the selling price of the invoice item if you have selected the Add item option (otherwise it will have auto-populated).
- Enter the VAT code. The drop-down list will only be viewable if VAT codes have been setup in Account Settings. If you have not set up VAT codes, a text box will be displayed, allowing you to type in the VAT percentage.
- The VAT amount is automatically calculated.
- The gross amount is automatically calculated.
- If you select the 3 line menu (burger) icon, it will open a menu that allows you to Move up, Move down or Delete line items.
Once your invoice has been created, you can switch over to the CRM tab view and the side menu Financial documents. If you select the invoice you just created, you will now be able to carry out additional actions.
- Selecting the pdf icon will open a 'File...' popup, allowing you to either download a copy of the pdf (it appears at the bottom left of your screen), email it to the customer, or attach it to the Job.
You can select to Mark the invoice as sent which will add a date and time stamp in the Date sent column. If an invoice is later re-sent, then you can adjust the countdown for your payment terms to reflect the new send date if preferred.
Go to Account Settings > Settings > Quick Links Menu > General account settings > Financial > Overdue calculation resending invoice.
- Where the invoice has not already been attributed to a specific job, job group, job group template, etc, you can do that here by selecting Assign to job and completing the resulting popup:
- By selecting the Edit icon, you can make changes to the invoice and also add a part payment. Select Edit then the Payments tab:
Select the Add+ icon and a new Record a payment popup will open:
Complete the form, changing the payment amount to reflect the part payment:
The Edit Financial Document screen will now have altered to reflect the part payment:
This can be repeated as necessary until the full balance is paid.
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