Understanding Automatic Financial Document Sending in BigChange

  • Updated

Automatic document sending in BigChange allows businesses to automatically send documents such as invoices, job sheets, quotes, and other communications to customers, partners, or internal team members. This feature helps ensure that important documents are sent promptly and consistently, reducing manual effort and the risk of human error.

  • BigChange provides flexibility in sending financial documents, allowing you to decide the method and timing of dispatch.
  • You can set a delay for sending documents to ensure all relevant data is uploaded before dispatch.
  • The default delay is 10 minutes, adjustable up to 999 minutes.
  • For third-party accounting systems, invoice sending is delayed until synchronisation and reference number updates occur.

Setting up Auto Financial Docment Sending

Navigate to the top menu and select the Account settings icon and then select Settings.

  1. From the side menu, select Schedule.
  2. Select Job Types.
  3. Select the Documents Tab.
  4. Select the Add icon.

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Configuring Financial Document Settings

  1. Type - Select the Financial Document radio button.
  2. Document - Choose the financial document template.

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  1. Paramenters - This is a conditional field that appears depending upon which Document type is selected in 2.
  2. Format - Select the document format: PDF, Excel, Word, or Image.
  3. File name - Give the file a specific name.
  4. Insert Keyword - Enables you to add a keywork such as Invoice reference number, for example.
  5. Send when job for contacts in group - Specify if the document is for a specific group or any group.
  6. Send when job is - Decide when the document is sent, e.g., when the job is Created or Completed, and if it should be sent when Completed with Issues.
  7. Send document even if job is complete with issues - This will send a document regardless of any complete with issue reasons. (Negative results on job types)
  8. Delay before sending - Set the time delay for sending the document, up to 999 minutes.
  9. Accounts sync - Allows the document such as an invoice is to be synced with Xero automatically.
  10. Mark job as - Allows the job to be automatically 'Marked as financially complete' 
  11. Action - Choose the method of sending: via email or attached to the job.

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Email Configuration for Document Sending

  1. Senders name & email -  Enter the name and email address for automatic document sending.
  2. Send to - Select the recipient, e.g., the Primary Person at the contact or a specific department like accounts.
  3. Person at parent - Direct the document to a Person at the Parent contact if needed.
  4. Secondary - Add BCC recipients if required.
  5. Send to BCC - To blind copy a person in to the email.
  6. Email subject - Edit the email subject to which the document is attached.
  7. Email body - Choose an email template for the document attachment. Templates are created in Account Settings under Templates. For further information, please read the Automatic Document Sending article.

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Adjusting the delay for sending financial documents in BigChange ensures that all necessary data is captured before dispatch. By following the steps outlined, you can customise the timing and method of document delivery to suit your business needs. For more detailed guidance, refer to the Automatic Document Sending article.

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