Setting Up and Using Flags in Financial Documents

  • Updated

BigChange's at-a-glance flags make data assessment simple, allowing you a quick visual check on your financial documents. This guide will walk you through the steps to set up and use flags effectively.

Creating flags in Financial Document Settings

  • Select the Accounts setting icon in the top menu.
  • Select Settings.
  1. From the side menu, select Financial.
  2. Select Financial documents & Sales Opps.
  3. Select the document type you wish to set up flags for.
  4. Select edit.


Navigate to the Flags tab. This is where you can add flags to the system and add a colour which will make it more visable in the financial documents list view.

  1. Select 'Add'
  2. Name - Give your flag a name (such as On hold)
  3. Colour - Select a colour for the flag.
  4. Save



Editing Flags

  1. Selet the flag from the list.
  2. Edit
    • Amend name and/or colour.



Deleting Flags

  • Selet the flag from the list.
  • Delete
    • Confirm you want to delete this flag.



Adding a Flag Column to the List View

Once the flags are set up, you can add a flag column to the list view by following these steps:

  • Navigate to the CRM in the top menu.
  1. Select FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS in the side menu.
  2. Select Column.
  3. Tick Flag from the list.
  4. Select Ok to save.
  5. You will see the Flag column appear in the list view.



Adding a Flag to a financial document.

There are a couple of ways to add a flag to a financial document:

  • Select the document under the Flag column.
    • Select a flag from the Flag drop down list.
    • Add a comment if you require.
    • Save

Flags 6.png

  • Select the document
    • Edit
    • Navigate to the Flags tab
    • Select Add
    • Select the flag from the Flag drop down list.
    • Add a comment if you wish in the comments box.



Exporting Flags as a Blueprint Column

Flags can also be selected as an export blueprint column. To do this:

  • Navigate to Account setting in the top menu.
  • Settings.
  • FORMS in the side menu.
  • Select Import / export blueprints.
  • Aelect Add.
    • Give your export a name.
    • Under group, select Financial document.
    • Select the option to include flags in the export blueprint.
    • Under type select export.
    • Map your columns as required.



Setting up and using flag indicators in BigChange's financial documents allows for quick and efficient data assessment. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily manage and utilise flag indicators to streamline your financial processes.


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