Adding Stock to a Transaction

  • Updated
Whilst stock is not directly integrated with BigChange, where stock items are added to a sales invoice, they must be linked to a corresponding stock item in Xero.
To link stock items, you must create a link for the two items by modifying the stock record in BigChange and add the corresponding product code from Xero to the stock code field. See below screenshot. 
The field stock code must contain the product item code from Xero.
When you process an invoice, you must first ensure that there is stock available in BigChange. Where an item is tracked, you must ensure that stock is available in Xero as well. The routine for adding stock to BigChange has not changed. You must choose an item, and either serial number and location depending on whether the item is serial or consumable.
When synchronising the invoice, the routine will check the item in Xero to see if it is a tracked item. Where it is a tracked item, the routine will confirm whether enough stock is available to sell. Where this is not the case, the invoice will default to draft, otherwise, it will depend on the setting chosen in the user interface. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the stock in both systems is up to date.
Where a stock item is added to a credit note, the same rules apply but the routine will automatically increment the quantity of stock where the item is a tracked item in Xero.
Adding stock items to a purchase order The process for posting a purchase order is the same as the invoice and credit note. The main difference is that a user will enter a supplier for the purchase order which must exist in Xero.
In the same way, you can add stock items to an invoice, a user can add stock items to a purchase order. The routine is the same, except that you do not need to specify the location or serial number. The routine will create the purchase order in Xero with the stock item added.
The processing of the purchase orders is handled in Xero from that point forward irrespective of whether the item is tracked or not. It is worth noting that the routine only creates a purchase order in BigChange and Xero for the stock item(s).
Any processing of invoices or stock receipts must be processed manually from this point forwards.

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