Financials – Bulk Invoicing & Jobs View
Bulk invoicing is a powerful tool that can help you streamline your billing process, save you valuable time, improve your cash flow and increase customer satisfaction. Rather than creating individual invoices for each completed job, bulk invoicing allows you to identify jobs ready to invoice and consolidate their financials into a single invoice, making it easier to manage customer billing.
Whilst many customers choose to configure BigChange to automatically send invoices upon the completion of individual jobs, we recognise that you may prefer to check your job financials before creating and sending invoices to customers. Once checked, rather than create and send invoices individually, many invoices can be created at the same time and consolidated into one financial document. Your customers can benefit by receiving one invoice, containing all the relevant information, rather than receiving several invoices over time. With efficient customer billing and agreed billing cycles, your invoices are more likely to be paid more quickly, leading to better cash flow.
Financial users at month end will be able to quickly find all completed jobs and invoice them, removing the single manual invoice creation that many follow today.
There are two parts to 'Bulk Invoicing' within BigChange:
Consolidated Invoicing
- Process whereby you can consolidate all complete job financials into a single invoice
Batch Invoicing
- Process of creating many invoices for complete jobs quickly.
Please note You can only batch or consolidate invoices for a single customer at a time. |
Where can I find Bulk Invoicing?
Bulk invoicing can be found by:
• Navigate to the (1) CRM → (2) Financial Documents [side-menu]→ (3) Jobs [tab]
Jobs List View – Financial Documents
Within the Financial Documents section of the CRM, all individual jobs are shown within a list view, creating a dedicated area for creating invoices.
Navigate to the CRM → Financial Documents [side-menu] →Jobs [tab]
Using the side-menu filters, you can find jobs that meet your specific search requirements, including all individual jobs for a specific contact.
By selecting a specific contact in combination with the other filters, you can identify individual jobs that require invoicing.
By using the checkboxes within the list view, you can select multiple jobs and create a consolidated invoice for your customer. By using the “From” and “To” date parameters you can select all the jobs within the specific period and create a consolidated invoice for them.
The “Save current view as favourite” option will also allow you to quickly filter views that you use frequently.
The information columns displayed in the jobs list view can be customised.
To do this, from within the jobs view, select Columns [link] →check/ uncheck the relevant information columns [checkboxes] → OK [icon]
The columns available to select include:
- Job status
- Job reference
- Contact reference
- Parent contact
- Contact
- Selling price
- Gross amount
- Cost price
- Margin
- Job flag
- Account reference
- Contact address
- Completion date
- On stop
Creating a consolidated invoice (from the job list)
To create a consolidated invoice:
- Navigate to the CRM → Financial Documents [side menu]→Jobs [tab]
Using the filters on the left, filter by:
- Contact (Parent Contact)
- Child Contacts (*This field will appear when you select a parent contact in the contacts field above if they have child contacts associated to them)
- Modify the From and To Dates for the period you want
Please note CHILD CONTACTS - you can only consolidate invoices for a single customer at a time. |
For best practice it is advisable to use the other filters to filter all jobs that are complete and/or financially complete and Not invoiced.
A popup will appear giving you greater flexibility in choosing the level of detail you would like contained in the invoice.
There are 3 options to choose from:
Invoice details (choosing the level of detail contained within the invoice)
Create a single invoice with a single line for all jobs (Summary); an invoice will be created with a single line containing summary information for all the jobs selected.
Create a single invoice with a line for each job (Partial Detail); an invoice will be created with multiple lines. Each line containing information regarding the individual jobs selected (one invoice lines per job).
Create a single invoice displaying all lines from each job (Detailed); an invoice will be created with multiple lines. Every line from all the jobs selected will be included in the consolidated invoice.
Batch invoicing is a new feature that allows businesses to create multiple invoices for a single customer (contact) at the same time. This can save a significant amount of time compared to creating each invoice individually.
This feature can be found in the CRM [top menu tab] → Financial Documents [side menu] → Jobs.
Within a matter of clicks, you can now create individual invoices for selected jobs. No more repeating the same steps time and again.
Batch Invoicing
To create many invoices for many jobs, using batch invoicing, navigate to the CRM → Financial Documents [side menu] → Jobs [tab].
From the filters on the left, select a single contact [Contact filter field]. *If this contact is a parent contact a new ‘Child contacts’ field will appear below allowing you to select any child contacts to the batch invoice.
Please note CHILD CONTACTS - you can only batch invoices for a single customer at a time. |
Using the tick boxes, select the jobs you want to invoice.
Selected Jobs [link] → Create batch invoices [drop-down menu] → choose the following (Nominal, department and Bank Account) → Ok
Please note If there are any jobs within this selection that have a zero or negative selling prices, the warning message (shown here) will appear at the bottom of the “Create batch invoices” popup. |
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