Vehicle Checks

  • Updated

Human and fleet resources are vital assets of any business. We understand that ensuring their safety is a key priority. This is why, at BigChange, we have worked to enhance our functionality around Vehicle Checks.

We offer you the ability to create and carry out Vehicle Checks with full Worksheet functionality, using answers which include text, statements, photos, file viewing and more. Resources can report defects and log their severity, enabling you to rectify them in a planned and timely manner, with a full audit trail of ownership.  You can even have timesheet logs of the time taken to carry out the checks so that they can be included in a resource's working day.

Let's take a more detailed look at how they work. 


Creating a Vehicle Check

Vehicle checks are customisable checklists to be completed by resources, usually at the start of the day before driving to jobs e.g. ‘check windscreen’, ‘check tyres’, ‘check oil’. Administrators can create a Vehicle Check worksheet in the back office.


  • Navigate to: [Top menu] Profile (icon)Admin Settings[side menu] VehiclesSeverities Add and add severity, including both a name and a priority order.

1. Vehicle Checks.PNG

Note that in order to do this you will need to have Administrative rights for this set up in

  • Navigate to: [Top menu] Profile (icon) Admin Settings[side menu] Web UsersRoles




  • Next, navigate to: [Top menu] Profile (icon) → Admin Settings[side menu]Vehicles Vehicle defect flags and Add to create some related flags to help manage reported defects.




  • Now, navigate: [Top menu] Profile (icon)Admin Settings  → [side menu] VehiclesVehicle check.

Select a type, either 'Legacy Ticksheet' or 'Worksheets'.

The latter is the recommended option but please be aware of the following:

Your device will need to be running the BigChange App on version 5.16 on Android and 6.11 on iOS, or later, in order to use the worksheets option.

For those running older versions of the app, more information on creating a Vehicle check through the Legacy ticksheet can be found under the Administration → Vehicle Checks section of the Fleet article.



Legacy Ticksheet.

We recommend the use of the Worksheets option where possible:


Under the Worksheets section, click Add to create a new Worksheet




Now complete the popup by adding a name and adding an employee group if desired. You can additionally specify that this be the default Vehicle Check Worksheet for new vehicles of a particular type.  Below we have selected it as the default for cars/vans. Then Save.




Click on the Worksheet and select Edit to reopen it


and click Add to begin adding questions


If we create a question 'Tyre condition' as our example, we can select 'List' in the Type field, add our possible answers and make answering it mandatory.

You will now see additional fields which allow the resource to raise a defect for this question:


  1. Default answer - add a default answer where appropriate.
  2. Answer at risk - to add an answer at risk, click the Add button. You can then input one of the answers you added in the Possible answers field and select a Severity from the dropdown list:11.png
  3. The levels shown are those which were created previously in the Severities tab on the side menu. Allocate a severity for each answer you designate as at risk.  For example, a flat tyre would be 'high' severity, whereas scratched paintwork might be 'low'. This field can be left blank where no answer is at risk.
  4. Answer which raises defect - Set which level(s) of severity creates a defect for this question. This field will only appear for answer types that offer a defined answer: List, Icons, Yes / No
  5. Allow resource to raise defect... - you can grant or withhold permission for resources to raise a defect themselves.  This allows them to raise a defect even if the issue they are raising doesn't correspond with one of the 'Answers which raises defect' responses.  Since some answer types can't be added to that field eg photo, signature, etc, this can be useful.
  6. Defect requires photo - selecting 'yes' makes it mandatory to add a photograph of the defect.  Clicking 'no' makes it optional.



Now add any required Conditional branching. Conditional branching allows you to use responses from one question to display or go to other questions or worksheets, based on the response which is received. This can be a great time saver, allowing resources to skip questions that aren’t relevant to them whilst keeping them in place for those instances when they are needed.

Continuing our example, conditional branching can be added so that where there is a worn tyre, the user will then be asked to identify which tyre(s) are a cause for concern:





Continue to add questions until you have completed your Vehicle Check.

Questions can be dragged and dropped until you have an order you are happy with. Save to finish.



Converting Legacy Ticksheets to Worksheets

Existing ticksheets can easily be converted over to Worksheets from within the Vehicle Check side menu.

  1. Select Ticksheets
  2. Select a Vehicle Type from the dropdown menu
  3. A Convert to Worksheets button will now have appeared beneath the selected Vehicle type. Click on it.
  4. A popup will ask you to select a group (optional) for this to be applied to and to select a Severity4.png
  5. You will notice that the Ticksheet is still visible as converting it over does not delete the original version.  Select Worksheets from the top field.
  6. You will now see that an additional Worksheet has appeared in the list. Click on it and select Edit to open.
  7. This will now display as a typical Worksheet and can be edited in the usual way. This includes changing the severity for specific questions and adding conditional branching if required.7.png

Attributing Worksheets to Vehicles

In order for it to be available to your resources, once you have created your Vehicle Check you then need to attribute it to the relevant vehicles.

  • Navigate to: [Top menu] Profile (icon)Admin Settings [side menu] VehiclesAdd-editselect vehicle.

Scroll down to the Worksheets for vehicle checks field and make a selection from the dropdown menu


Click to Save.

Now reopen the same vehicle and click on the Copy Worksheets icon:


A popup will now open asking you to select a Worksheet(s) to copy and which vehicle (s) to copy it/them to. You can select either specific vehicles by Reg No or simply select a vehicle group:


A completed example should look similar to this:


Click the Copy icon to complete.  All vehicles selected will now show your Worksheet selection against them.

Where a default for newly created vehicle/asset has been created in Step 4 of Administration above, this will only need to be done for existing fleet vehicles and will be done automatically for all future additions.


Viewing, Consolidating and Adding Defects

Viewing Defects

Completed Vehicle Checks and defects raised against a vehicle can be viewed under the Fleet & resources tab.

Select the Defects tab and make your selection from Ticksheet and Worksheet. You are offered a variety of filter options and the view can be saved as a favourite to help you monitor the defect overview:


Defects and vehicle checks can also be accessed from the Fleet side menu by clicking on a vehicle registration. Simply click on a vehicle and select the Vehicle Checks tab:

2.pngYou can see all vehicle checks carried out on this vehicle, the date and times they were performed and the resource who recorded them.

You can also view any defects which were added during each check, with more at-a-glance details available by clicking on the relevant line:







For full details of defects on this vehicle, close this and move to the Open defects tab:


As well as the time/date, question and resource, here you can see the severity and status of each defect and any associated flags.

Clicking on a defect gives you options to View the defect or Mark as actioned. If you select View, a new window will open similar to the one used in Notes:


You will see that on the left there are fields showing all of the elements of the defect eg flag, worksheet question/answer, etc as well as any associated information. On the right is a dialogue box that works in the same way as that in Notes.
Photos can be uploaded here by selecting a file to attach in the Photo field. A thumbnail will then be displayed


If you wish to replace this with an updated image, click on Delete beneath the photo. The image will disappear here but automatically transfer across to the Attachments tab, allowing only the most current image to appear on the 'General' tab but maintaining an auditable trail for the vehicle history.

You can also opt to view archived, historical defects, shown greyed out below. Although you are able to add notes, consolidate or mark these as actioned, the key information such as the severity, is no longer editable.


Consolidating Defects

The option to Consolidate allows you to combine defects on the same vehicle where desired.


During consolidation, always ensure that you consolidate whilst clicked on the newer defect as the defect that you consolidate from will overwrite the one you are consolidating it with.

Clicking on Consolidate will open a new popup window


Make a selection from the dropdown menu and then click Consolidate. The defect shown in the example will now have disappeared from the list view and any dialogue notes from it will have been added to the current defect.

Defects can be raised for a vehicle on the website if the web user has permission and is attached to a resource.

Adding Defects

  • Navigate to: [Top menu] Profile (icon) → Admin Settings[side menu] Resources Add-editselect resource


You will then see an Add icon available in a vehicle's Open defects tab.


Clicking on this allows you to add a defect:



Exporting Defects

It is also possible to create blueprints and exports for the defects.

  • Fleet & resources → [side menu] Fleet → [tab] Defects.

The following columns can be selected for export and/or blueprints:

Date created|Vehicle registration|Vehicle group|Resource|Resource group|Severity|Worksheet question|Worksheet answer| Notes|Status|Owner|Current flag|Due date.



To complement the Vehicle Checks that you created,  you can also create Alerts in the Alerts tab to notify you when specific elements are triggered, both for resources and for vehicles, eg 'a defect of severity High in answer to question Tyres'.



For more information on creating an Alert, please read the dedicated Alerts article. 


Vehicle Check Expiry

You might want your resources to complete vehicle checks on a recurring basis. As with timesheets, you can set up the BigChange App to prompt resources to complete a vehicle check before they start their jobs, essentially making the vehicle check a mandatory requirement.

This can be found under:

  • Navigate to: [Top menu] Profile (icon)Admin SettingsGeneral Account Settingsin section ‘Other device settings’


In the example above, we have set vehicle checks to expire after 1 day.

Once you have amended this setting, you would need to ask your resources to complete a vehicle check on the device. This first completion will trigger the expiry process to start.

This constraint is not tied to a specific vehicle,  nor will a resource receive multiple notifications asking them to perform checks on other vehicles.

Please be advised, that the system will count the first completed vehicle check as the start date for this process. Following our example, if we set the check to expire after 1 day, the system will wait for the first check to be completed and count 24h from that date before repeating the request, ie:

  1. We have set up the vehicle check to expire after 1 day. 2.png
  2. A resource completes the vehicle check on Monday at 09:10 am.
  3. The application will prompt the resource again on Tuesday at 09:10 am.

Vehicle Checks


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