Completing a Vehicle Check on the BigChange App

  • Updated


In this article, you will learn how to access the vehicle check feature on the BigChange app, complete a vehicle check item by item, add and save photographs of defects, annotate images to highlight issues, and sign off and submit a completed vehicle check.

Vehicle checks are customisable checklists to be completed at the start of the day before driving to jobs e.g. ‘check windscreen’, ‘check tyres’, ‘check oil'.

Accessing and Completing Vehicle Check on the app

If your are required you to perform a vehicle check, this can be done on the BigChange App by selecting the "Vehicle Check" button from the "Dashboard". 

1.pngYour vehicle check will now appear.

If you wish to clear the keypad which appears, use the back button on your tablet or smartphone device. Complete the check either item by item, using the checkboxes to the right of each category or by selecting the "Validate All" button, where that is appropriate i.e. all of the responses are OK.


Responses that are OK will display in green, whilst issues display in red and may require a photograph.

Adding a Photograph

Where an answer is negative, a popup will open, offering options to access a photo, either select one from your photo/image library on your device, or take a photo.


Annotating the Image

Add notes describing the nature of the damage.


Should you wish to mark up or annotate the image, select "Edit".

A colour palette will open. Select the colour(s) you wish to use, and draw on the image using your finger/stylus.


After making your annotations/mark ups on the image, select "Ok" and then "Save" on the next screen. Your description will now appear under the relevant section in the list view.


Signing Off the Vehicle Check

Once all of the answers have been completed on your vehicle check, select the "Sign off" button, sign the box and then select "Send".



Completing a vehicle check on the BigChange app ensures that all potential defects are recorded and addressed before starting your day. This process helps maintain vehicle safety and compliance.

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