Using Icons to Answer Worksheet Questions on the BigChange app

  • Updated

Learn how to use icon-based answers in Worksheets using the BigChange app.

Once a job has been received on the BigChange app, the resource can view the job's details on their tablet or smartphone device.

Any worksheets that are attached to the job and require answering are shown on the menu. 

The screenshot example below shows there is a worksheet entitled "Using icons to answer questions" attached to the job.


Select the worksheet from menu to view and complete it.

Once the worksheet has been opened, the list of questions will be displayed and, where they have been used, icons will be displayed that can be used to answer the questions.


Select the icon you wish to return as your answer to the question - it will become highlighted blue once selected.


Each icon will have had a value assigned to it during the set-up of the worksheet.

Once icons have been selected as answers by a Resource the BigChange app, the results can then be seen in the BigChange system by web users when viewing the job result.


When an icon is used to provide an answer, the meaning of the icon will be saved and displayed as text in the job card.

Using the example above, the following answers are given on the job card:

  • Thumbs-up icon = "Successful"
  • Sheet/X icon = ".xlsx"
  • X icon = "No"


Using icons as answers in worksheets allows for quick and efficient responses, enhancing the overall user experience, without loss of any detail within the system or that added to the Job Card.

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