There may be occasions when you wish to include the cost of the driving time after a job to the total cost of the job itself, for example, you may wish to charge the cost of driving from the customer's premises back to Head Office.
Learn how to add driving costs to a job using the BigChange app.
For this option to be available, it needs to have been enabled within your system. For more information on how to enable Resources to add driving costs to a job, see article Calculate Driving After Job – BigChange.
Start a job as usual. Once the job has been completed, the app will display the following option "Do you wish to start recording your driving time from this job to your next location?"
By selecting “Yes”, the app will show a “Currently travelling from this job” message.
When you arrive at your destination, select to re-open the job. You will now be able to select on one of the following options, “Cancel Driving Job” or “End Driving Job”
By selecting he second option, “End driving job” you will be prompted to confirm you want to end the driving activity after the job.
Should you select “Yes”, you will then be prompted to confirm the date and time of completion.
The driving costs will now have been added to the finances for this job.
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