Learn how to create and submit expenses using the BigChange App, either as a general expense or against a job.
To enable Resources to view, edit and submit expenses using the BigChange App, they must be given the relevant permissions to do so in the system. For more information about managing Resources and their permissions, see article Managing Resources.
Submitting a General Expense
Follow these steps to log a general expense in the BigChange App:
- Select the "Expenses" button from the Dashboard
- Select "Add New Expense".
- Choose the expense group from the drop-down menu.
- Choose the expense type/category (e.g. hotel, lunch).
For more information on creating and managing expense groups and types within BigChange, see article Creating and Managing Expense Groups and Categories – BigChange
- Enter a brief description of the expense (e.g. lunch with customer). Select the back button to exit the keyboard.
- Select the expense date and time.
This prompt will not appear if your business has opted to not let you edit date/time for expenses. In such cases, your device settings will be used by default.
- If needed, change the currency of the expense. Unless you are travelling abroad and making purchases in other currencies, this will not be used.
- Enter the amount post-VAT.
- Enter the amount pre-VAT.
- Enter the % of VAT applied to a receipt.
You only need to add the value into either the Pre or Post VAT field. You do not need to include both.
- Select the grey box to take a photo of the receipt or, add one from your photo library.
- Once the form is complete, select "Save Expense"
- The expense item will then show in the list.
- Repeat the process to add any additional expenses.
- Select "Sign and Send".
- Check the totals, sign in the area provided, and select "Sign and Send" again.
Raising an Expense Against a Job
To raise an expense against a job, follow these steps:
- Ensure that you have filled in your Timesheet before navigating to the job on the app.
- From within the Job the expense relates to, select "Add New Expense".
It can be at any job stage, either completed or not
- The expenses screen works exactly the same as above, except that the title of “Expenses for job at…” followed by the information of the job the expense belongs to.
- An on-screen note will indicate that you are adding an expense against a job.
- Select "Sign and Send"
- You will be prompted to confirm whether you want to claim the expense for yourself.
- Selecting "Yes" will add the item as an expense that needs to be reimbursed to the resource.
- Selecting "No" will still record the expense against the job but will appear as an amount that doesn’t need to be reimbursed. This is useful for adding expenses paid for using a company account or company credit card.
- Finish by adding/signing off expenses as described above.
Once the Expense has been added, it will show as a line item in the Financial tab of the Job within the system.
By following these steps, you can efficiently log and submit expenses using the BigChange App. Whether it's a general expense or one against a job, the process is straightforward and ensures accurate record-keeping.
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