Stock & Equipment Videos

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Stock Vs Equipment


    • Definition: Stock typically refers to inventory items that a business holds for the purpose of sale or use in service delivery. This can include parts, materials, or consumables that are used in the course of completing jobs or projects.
    • Management: Stock management in BigChange involves tracking quantities, locations, and movements of these items. This can include monitoring stock levels, reordering when necessary, and ensuring that the right items are available for jobs.
    • Usage: Stock is often used up or sold, and its management focuses on ensuring availability and minimising excess inventory.
    • These are usally not serialised items.


    • Definition: Equipment oftern refers to tools, machinery, or other assets that are usally non consumable serialsed items such as boilers, cctv cameras, power tools and machinery.
    • Management: Equipment management in BigChange involves tracking the location, condition, maintenance schedules, and usage of these items. This ensures that equipment is available and in good working order when needed.
    • Usage: Equipment is maintained and managed over time, focusing on ensuring operational efficiency and safety.
    • These are serialised items.

In summary, the main difference lies in their purpose and management: stock is consumable and often sold or used up, while equipment is durable and used to facilitate operations. BigChange provides tools to manage both effectively, ensuring that businesses can track and optimise their resources.


Stock & Equipment (Basic): Recording of a Live Tutorial


Stock & Equipment (Intermediate): Recording of a Live Tutorial


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