Managing Stock Levels with Reorder Alerts in BigChange

  • Updated

Efficient stock management is crucial for maintaining smooth business operations and financial health. BigChange offers a feature called reorder alerts, designed to help you manage stock levels effectively for both vehicles and contacts. This article will guide you through setting up and using reorder alerts to ensure optimal stock levels.

Reorder Alerts for Vehicles

  1. Navigate to 'Alerts' on the top menu.
  2. Select 'Create a new alert'

Stock alerts 1.pngOn the Create a new alert popup, fill in details you require. For example:

1. Send an alert when

  1. Who - Select either 'Any vehicle', select a spcific vehicle or any vehicle in a specific group.
  2. What - select 1 of the 3 options which suites your requirments.
    • Has (select stock) within (x) % of its reorder level.
    • Has (select stock) fall below (x) items of its reorder level.
    • Has (select stock)reach its reorder level.
  3. Select 'Save' to activate the reorder alert for the selected vehicle.

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Managing Vehicle Stock Levels

To manage stock levels on a vehicle, navigate to:

  • Fleet & Resources in the top menu.
  • Select Fleet in the side menu.
  • Select a vehicle.
  • Select the Stock tab.
  • Select the Reorder level tab.

(1) You can view the stock available for this vehicle under the "On a vehicle" tab.

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(2) Track any stock movements in the "Movements" tab.

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(3) Add and manage reorder levels in the "Reorder Level" tab.

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To add a reorder level select:

  1. Add
  2. Find the make and model
  3. Add a reorder quantity
  4. Save

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Reorder Alerts for Contacts

To setup an alert for reorder levels at contacts, navigate to 'Alerts' in the top menu.

On the Create a new alert popup, fill in details you require. For example:

1. Send an alert when

  1. Who - Select either 'Any contact', select a spcific contact or any contat in a specific group.
  2. What - select 1 of the 3 options which suites your requirments.
    • Has (select stock) within (x) % of its reorder level.
    • Has (select stock) fall below (x) items of its reorder level.
    • Has (select stock)reach its reorder level.
  3. Select 'Save' to activate the reorder alert for the selected contact.

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Managing Contact Stock Levels

To manage stock levels on a contact, navigate to:

  • CRM in the top menu.
  • Select a contact.
  • Select the Stock & equipment tab.
  • Select the Reorder level tab.

(1) You can view the stock available for this contact under the "At Contact" tab.

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(2) Track any stock movements in the "Movements" tab.

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(3) Add and manage reorder levels in the "Reorder Level" tab.

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To add a reorder level select:

  1. Add
  2. Find the make and model
  3. Add a reorder quantity
  4. Save

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Reorder level reports

You are also able to run and schedule reorder level reports by navigating to:

  • Analytics & Reporting in the top menu.
  • Under Stock reports section.
  • Select the 'Stock Reorder Level' report.

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By using the filters:

  1. To view a specific 'Vehicle'
  2. To view a specific 'Contact'
  3. View the report
  4. Save the above filters as Save a favourite view (please refer to the seperate article on Favourite Views.)
  5. Export the above report to:
    • PDF
    • Excel
    • Email
    • Word
    • CSV
    • Image
  6. Schedule the report using the above filters to be emailed at a scheduled time for a specific period.
    1. Please refer to the seperate article on Scheduling reports.

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Reorder alerts in BigChange are a powerful tool for maintaining optimal stock levels for both vehicles and contacts. By setting up and managing these alerts, you can prevent stockouts and overstocking, ensuring smooth business operations and financial efficiency. Start using reorder alerts today to enhance your stock management strategy.

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