Customer Service Dashboard

  • Updated

The Customer Service Dashboard provides interactive insights into customer support notes (tickets) profile, average resolution times, and overdue notes, enabling users to identify and take action on all open notes, particularly those overdue, prioritising activity using the longest overdue notes data grid, thus improving customer service performance. In context of the customer service visualisations, “customer” refers to CRM Contact.

To access the data visualisation dashboards, users will need to be granted permission. Currently, any user that has either the role permissions “Administer the account full access” or  “Administrate web users” can enable access to the dashboards, on a user by user basis. Access is provided by the allocation of a Dashboards “Viewer” license.

To allocate/unallocate a viewer license, from the top menu select "Account Settings", followed by "Settings". From the side menu, select "Web Users" and then "Add – edit". Choose a web user and select to "Edit". From within the "Dashboard" tab , select the "Viewer" radio button.

Once permission has been granted, navigate to the within BigChange. For more information, see article Business Intelligence Dashboards – BigChange


Count of Open Notes by Customer (Top 10)


Horizontal bar chart displaying a count of notes with an open status by customer, in descending order of the top 10.


Select image to enlarge

Users will be able to easily identify which customers have the highest number of “Open” notes.

ResourceUD-5.pngAs a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific contact in the chart. The whole dashboard will display metrics and visuals pertaining to that specific customer selection; this is particularly useful to identify customer service performance by customer, e.g. how many notes are overdue? What is the average completion time for notes? Who are the notes owners? What are the most common note types? What are the longest overdue notes?


Count of Notes Overdue by Customer


Vertical bar chart displaying count of overdue notes by customer. Overdue notes are those which haven’t been completed by the note due date.


Users will be able to easily identify customers with overdue notes and the length of time they are overdue by, enabling better prioritisation of the completion of notes, focussing on those that are overdue.

ResourceUD-3.pngBy selecting a specific customer bar within the chart, users will be able to drill-down into the data, which will include the following data fields pertaining to that customer:

      • Customer (Contact name)
      • Note Reference
      • Type
      • Created at
      • Days overdue
      • Owner name
      • Progress %
      • Last progressed date and time


Notes by Average Completion Time (Top 10)


Horizontal bar chart displaying the average hours taken to complete a specific Note type, in descending order of average hours.


Select image to enlarge

Users will be able to quantify the time it is taking to complete notes by type.


Count of Notes by Owner (Top 10)


Horizontal bar chart displaying a count of the number of notes with an ‘Open’ status against their owners, in descending order of top 10.


Select the image to enlarge

User will be able to quickly identify which Web Users own the highest number of “Open” notes.

ResourceUD-3.pngBy selecting a specific Owner within the chart, users will be able to drill-down into the data, which will include the following data fields pertaining to that note owner:

      • Owner Name
      • Owner ID
      • Note Reference
      • Note Type
      • Note Status
      • Customer/Contact Name (Child level)
      • Note Created At (date & time stamp)
      • Note Due At (date & time stamp)
      • Whether a note is overdue or not (0 = No, 1 = Yes)
      • Overdue in Days
      • Progress
      • Last Progressed At


Count of Notes by Type (Top 10)


Horizontal bar chart showing a count of all notes by specific type, in descending order of top 10.


Select image to enlarge

Please note, this visualisation shows notes from all statuses (e.g. open, completed and cancelled).

Users will be able to analyse the distribution of notes types and identify which have the highest volumes; particularly useful to help identify frequent/reoccurring customer issues or common operational challenges.

ResourceUD-5.pngAs a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific note type in the chart. The whole dashboard will display metrics and visuals pertaining to that specific note type selection.

Please note, visualisations “Count of open notes by customer”, “Count of notes overdue by customer”, “Count of notes by owner (Top 10)” and “Longest overdue notes (Top 5)” will only show ‘Open’ status notes.


Longest Overdue Notes (Top 5)


Data grid of the top 5 longest overdue notes in the descending order.

Users will be able to quickly and easily identify the (top 5) notes which have been overdue the longest, enabling the appropriate action to be taken.

The data grid includes the following columns:

  • Customer/Contact name (child contact)
  • Note Status
  • Note Reference
  • Note Type
  • Note Created Date
  • Days Overdue By
  • Owner
  • Progress %
  • Last Progressed At


Dashboard Global Filters

  • Contact – Multi selectable, defaults to all.
  • Contact Group – Multi selectable, defaults to all.
  • Note Type – Multi selectable, defaults to blank.
  • Note Owner – Multi selectable, defaults to blank.
  • Parent Contact – displays immediate parent of the child contact filter, Multi selectable, defaults to all.

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