Job Performance Dashboard

  • Updated

The Job Performance Dashboard serves to visualise jobs profile and productivity to help users understand how they are performing, enabling them to take any necessary action.

To access the data visualisation dashboards, users will need to be granted permission. Currently, any user that has either the role permissions “Administer the account full access” or  “Administrate web users” can enable access to the dashboards, on a user by user basis. Access is provided by the allocation of a Dashboards “Viewer” license.

To allocate/unallocate a viewer license, from the top menu select "Account Settings", followed by "Settings". From the side menu, select "Web Users" and then "Add – edit". Choose a web user and select to "Edit". From within the "Dashboard" tab , select the "Viewer" radio button.

Once permission has been granted, navigate to the within BigChange. For more information, see article Business Intelligence Dashboards – BigChange

Jobs Completed Over Time


An area chart displaying the number of jobs completed over a specified period of time.




Users will be able to see patterns and trends in the number of jobs completed each day, and drill-down to further analyse the data on a specific day.


By selecting a specific day within the chart, user will be able to drill-down into the data, which will include the following data fields:

      • Job reference
      • Contact name (Child contact)
      • Contact group
      • Resource name
      • Type
      • Status
      • Invoiced or not
      • Job created at date and timestamp
      • Job due at date and timestamp
      • Job Planned start at date and timestamp
      • Job Planned end date and timestamp
      • Time when the resource selected “on the way”
      • Job actual start date and timestamp
      • Job actual end date & timestamp
      • Distance driven (in miles / km, depending on configuration)


Completed Job Success Rate


Ring chart with a percentage of successful job completions vs completions with issues of the total number of jobs completed over a specified period of time.


Users will be able to see their overall job success rate and drill-down to further analyse jobs completed with issues.


By selecting a section within the chart, users will be able to drill-down into the data, which will include the following data fields:

      • Job reference
      • Contact name (Child contact)
      • Type
      • Resource name
      • Status
      • Status comment
      • Job created at date and timestamp
      • Job due at date and timestamp
      • Job Planned start at date and timestamp
      • Job Planned end date and timestamp
      • Time when the resource selected “on the way”
      • Job actual start date and timestamp
      • Job actual end date and timestamp
      • Distance driven (in miles / km, depending on configuration)



Planned Job Hours


Numerical value showing the total and average number of planned hours consumed by jobs, split into Job hours and driving hours.



Actual Jobs Hours


Numerical value showing the total and average number of actual hours consumed by jobs, split into Job hours and driving hours.


Users will be able to assess planned time vs actual time consumed, helping to plan/allocate the optimum time for jobs.


Count of Jobs Completed by Type (Top 10)


Horizontal bar chart with a count of jobs in descending order by job type name, based on completed jobs.


Users will be able to identify their most popular/abundant job types.

ResourceUD-5.pngAs a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting one or multiple job types.


Jobs by Location


Dot map plotting the geolocation of completed jobs.


Users will be able to identify where the most or least jobs have been completed, helping them to understand the geographical demand for jobs and potential highlight opportunities for improvement and growth.

ResourceUD-5.pngAs a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a location on the map.


Count of Jobs Completed by Resource


Horizontal bar chart displaying a leader board for resources who have completed the largest number of jobs, based on completed jobs in descending order.


Users will be able to identify resources have completed most and least jobs.

ResourceUD-5.pngAs a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific resource. The whole dashboard will display metrics and visuals pertaining to that resource only.


Count of Jobs Completed by Contacts


Horizontal bar chart to displaying the top 10 child contacts who have raised the largest number of jobs, based on completed jobs, in descending order.  Using the hyperlinks, this visualisation can also be toggled to display a Count of Jobs Completed by Parent Contacts and the Average Job Time by Contact.

Jobs completed by contact 15012024.png

Users will be able to identify contacts have raised the most and least jobs.

ResourceUD-5.pngAs a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific contact. The whole dashboard will display metrics and visuals pertaining to that contact only.


Dashboard Global Filters

  • Job Type – Multi selectable, defaults to all.
  • Actual End Date Range – Select from a list of existing date ranges based on job completion date.
  • Actual End Date – Enter custom date range based on job completed date. This filter works in conjunction with the ‘Actual end date range’ filter if both date filters are populated.

Please note, if the custom date is within the range of the actual end date range filter, dashboard will only show the data pertaining to the custom dates entered. If the custom date is before the actual end date range filter, dashboard will not show any data as the two filters have contradicting values. In this case, one of the filters must be cleared.

  • Resource Group – Multi selectable, default to all.
  • Resource – Multi selectable, defaults to all.
  • Contact Group – Multi selectable, defaults to all.
  • Contact Name (child contact) – Multi selectable, defaults to all.
  • Parent Contact – Displays immediate parent of the child contact filter, Multi selectable, defaults to all.


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