The Job Profitability Dashboard is designed to provide a comprehensive view of the profitability of all individual jobs marked as financially complete.
Using this suite of visualisations, users will be able to identify easily and quickly their most and least profitable job types, contacts, and resources, based on individual jobs marked as financially complete.
Financial data is from taken from individual jobs only and does not include financials captured at the Group Job level.
To access the data visualisation dashboards, users will need to be granted permission. Currently, any user that has either the role permissions “Administer the account full access” or “Administrate web users” can enable access to the dashboards, on a user by user basis. Access is provided by the allocation of a Dashboards “Viewer” license.
To allocate/unallocate a viewer license, from the top menu select "Account Settings", followed by "Settings". From the side menu, select "Web Users" and then "Add – edit". Choose a web user and select to "Edit". From within the "Dashboard" tab , select the "Viewer" radio button.
Once permission has been granted, navigate to the within BigChange. For more information, see article Business Intelligence Dashboards – BigChange
Total Sales vs Invoiced & Uninvoiced
A vertical bar chart displaying the month-on-month revenue trends, including total net sales from jobs, total net sales from invoices and total uninvoiced. This visualisation can also be toggled to display the number of jobs marked as financially complete per month. |
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Definition of terms
Total net sales from jobs; total selling price from financial lines on all jobs financially completed that month.
Total net sales from invoices; total selling price from all invoices not cancelled, raised against jobs financially completed that month.
Uninvoiced; total amount outstanding to invoice. Total selling price – credit notes – amounts invoiced. If multiple invoices exist against the job, they will all be added up.
By selecting a specific bar within the chart, users will be able to drill-down into the data. The data fields will vary depending on your selection (total sales from jobs, total net sales from invoices and uninvoiced).
Jobs Marked Financially Complete per Month
A vertical bar chart displaying the month-on-month count of jobs marked as financially complete. This visualisation can also be toggled to display month-on-month revenue trends of total net sales from jobs, total net sales from invoices and total uninvoiced. |
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By selecting a bar for a particular month, users will be able to drill-down into the data, displaying a data grid containing the following data fields:
- Contact Group
- Parent Contact
- Contact Name
- Contact Reference
- Group Reference
- Job Reference
- Order Number
- Description
- Status
- Actual Start Date
- Actual End Date
- Financially Completed Date
- Resource Name
- Type
- Category Name
- Total Net Cost from Jobs
- Total Net Sales from Jobs
- Profit from job lines
- Margin % from lines
- Job ID
Total Costs vs PO Costs
Vertical bar chart displaying month-on-month costs from jobs and purchase orders (POs). |
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Total net costs from jobs; total cost price from all jobs financially completed that month.
Total net costs from POs; total cost price from all purchase orders raised against jobs financially completed that month.
By selecting a specific bar within the chart, users will be able to drill-down into the data. The data fields will vary depending on your selection {total net cost from jobs and total net costs from POs).
Margin Trends %
Vertical bar chart displaying month-on-month trends of margin percentage from job lines and the actual margin percentage from jobs marked as financially complete. This visualisation can also be toggled to display month-on-month trends of net profit from job lines and actual net profit. |
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Margin % from job lines; total selling price (SP) from Job lines (financial lines) – total cost price (CP) from job lines {financial lines)] *100 / total selling price from job lines (financial lines).
Actual margin %; [total SP (from Invoices) + (-credit notes) – total CP (from job lines)] *100 / [total SP (from Invoices) +credit notes].
By selecting a specific bar within the chart, users will be able to drill-down into the data. The data fields will vary depending on your selection (margin % from lines and actual margin %).
Profit Trends
Vertical bar chart displaying month-on-month trends of net profit from job lines and actual net profit from jobs marked as financially complete. This visualisation can also be toggled to display month-on-month trends of margin percentage from job lines and the actual margin percentage. |
Select the image to enlarge
Net profit from job lines; total selling price from financial lines – total cost price from financial lines.
Actual net profit; total selling price from invoices – credit notes – total cost price from financial lines.
By selecting a specific bar within the chart, users will be able to drill-down into the data. The data fields will vary depending on your selection (net profit from job lines and actual net profit).
Actual Margin % by Job Type (Top 10)
Horizontal bar chart displaying the actual margin percentage by job type. This visualisation can also be toggled to display the net cost by job type, amount invoiced by job type, and actual profit by job type. |
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Cost by Job Type (Top 10)
Horizontal bar chart displaying the total net cost by job type (top 10). This visualisation can also be toggled to display the actual margin percentage by job type, amount invoiced by job type, and actual profit by job type. |
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As a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific job type bar within the chart. The whole dashboard will display metrics and visuals pertaining to that specific job type selection.
Invoiced by Job Type (Top 10)
Horizontal bar chart displaying the total amount invoiced by job type (top 10). This visualisation can also be toggled to display the actual margin percentage by job type, net cost by job type, and actual profit by job type. |
Select the image to enlarge
As a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific job type bar within the chart. The whole dashboard will display metrics and visuals pertaining to that specific job type selection.
Actual Profit by Job Type
Horizontal bar chart displaying the actual profit by job type (top 10). This visualisation can also be toggled to display the actual margin percentage by job type, net cost by job type, and amount invoiced by job type.. |
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As a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific job type bar within the chart. The whole dashboard will display metrics and visuals pertaining to that specific job type selection.
Actual Margin % by Contact (Top 10)
Horizontal bar chart displaying the actual margin percentage of financially complete jobs by contact (top 10). This visualisation can also be toggled to display costs by contact, amount invoiced by contact, and the actual profit generated by contact. |
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Cost by Contact (Top 10)
Horizontal bar chart displaying the cost of financially complete jobs by contact (top 10). This visualisation can also be toggled to display actual margin percentage by contact, amount invoiced by contact, and the actual profit generated by contact. |
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As a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific contact bar within the chart. The whole dashboard will display metrics and visuals pertaining to that specific contact selection.
Invoiced by Contact (Top 10)
Horizontal bar chart displaying the amount invoice by contact (top 10) for financially complete jobs. This visualisation can also be toggled to display actual margin percentage by contact, costs by contact, and the actual profit generated by contact. |
Select the image to enlarge
As a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific contact bar within the chart. The whole dashboard will display metrics and visuals pertaining to that specific contact selection.
Actual Profit by Contact (Top 10)
Horizontal bar chart displaying the actual profit by contact (top 10). This visualisation can also be toggled to display actual margin percentage by contact, costs by contact, and the amount invoiced by contact. |
Select the image to enlarge
As a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific contact bar within the chart. The whole dashboard will display metrics and visuals pertaining to that specific contact selection.
Actual Margin % by Resource (Top 10)
Horizontal bar chart displaying the actual margin percentage of financially complete jobs by resource (top 10). This visualisation can also be toggled to display costs by resource, amount invoiced by resource, and the actual profit generated by resource. |
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Cost by Resource (Top 10)
Horizontal bar chart displaying the cost of financially complete jobs by resource (top 10). This visualisation can also be toggled to display actual margin percentage by resource, amount invoiced by resource, and the actual profit generated by resource. |
Select the image to enlarge
As a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific resource bar within the chart. The whole dashboard will display metrics and visuals pertaining to that specific resource selection.
Invoiced by Resource (Top 10)
Horizontal bar chart displaying the amount invoice by resource (top 10) for financially complete jobs. This visualisation can also be toggled to display actual margin percentage by resource, costs by resource, and the actual profit generated by resource. |
Select the image to enlarge
As a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific resource bar within the chart. The whole dashboard will display metrics and visuals pertaining to that specific resource selection.
Actual Profit by Resource (Top 10)
Horizontal bar chart displaying the actual profit by resource (top 10). This visualisation can also be toggled to display actual margin percentage by resource, costs by resource, and the amount invoiced by resource. |
Select the image to enlarge
As a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific resource bar within the chart. The whole dashboard will display metrics and visuals pertaining to that specific resource selection.
Dashboard Global Filters
- Financially Completed Month – Drop-down, defaults to all.
- Job Financially Completed Date – Enter custom date.
- Contact Group – Drop-down, defaults to all.
- Parent contact – Drop-down, defaults to all.
- Contact Name – Drop-down, defaults to all.
- Job Category – Drop-down, defaults to all.
- Job Type – Drop-down, defaults to all.
- Status – Drop-down, defaults to all.
- Is Invoiced – Yes/No
- Show Profitability For – Drop-down, defaults to all.
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