Quotes Overview Dashboard

  • Updated

This dashboard provides a high-level view of quote KPIs, including summaries of the number and value of all quotes sent, created, accepted and rejected, quote conversion rates, average time taken for conversion, how long quotes been open for and their value, which customer have we raised most quotes for and their value, and which web users are generating the most quotes.

To access the data visualisation dashboards, users will need to be granted permission. Currently, any user that has either the role permissions “Administer the account full access” or  “Administrate web users” can enable access to the dashboards, on a user by user basis. Access is provided by the allocation of a Dashboards “Viewer” license.

To allocate/unallocate a viewer license, from the top menu select "Account Settings", followed by "Settings". From the side menu, select "Web Users" and then "Add – edit". Choose a web user and select to "Edit". From within the "Dashboard" tab , select the "Viewer" radio button.

Once permission has been granted, navigate to the within BigChange. For more information, see article Business Intelligence Dashboards – BigChange

Quote Conversion Rate


Static card showing quote conversion rate.



Conversion percentage = Number of quotes accepted divided by the total number of quotes created sent, multiplied by 100 (for the date range selected).

Users will be able to identify the number of converted quotes created within a date range or selected period of time.


Current Quotes Summary


Bar chart showing the count and value of quotes at a specified status, e.g. created, sent, accepted and rejected.



Select image to enlarge

Users will be able to see a high-level view of the status of all of their quotes, including the total volume and value of quotes.

ResourceUD-3.pngBy selecting a specific status bar within the chart, users will be able to drill-down into the data, displaying a data grid containing the following data fields:

      • Quote Reference
      • Quote Status
      • Contact Name
      • Web User Name
      • Job Type
      • Job Reference
      • Quote Sent Date
      • Quote Accepted Date
      • Quote Amount (ex VAT)
      • VAT Amount
      • Quote Amount with VAT
      • Quote Valid To
      • Quote within Validity Period – Yes / No


Quote Lifecycle by Average Duration


Static card showing the total average number of days to convert quotes from one status to another, including ‘Created’ to ‘Sent’, ‘Sent’ to ‘Accepted’ and ‘Sent’ to ‘Rejected’ for the selected date range.



Users will be able to quickly identify any opportunities for improvement to their quote conversion life cycle, including bottlenecks or specific areas of concern.


Quotes By Contact (Top 10)


Horizontal bar chart showing the top 10 highest value quotes by customer (contact) in descending order for the date range selected. The value of the quote is shown on the Y-axis and customer on the X-axis.



Select image to enlarge

Users will be able to analyse the quote profile of the customers with the highest value quotes.

image (2).pngAs a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific customer (contact) bar in the chart. The whole dashboard the display metrics and visuals pertaining to that specific customer selection.


Open Quotes by Days Open


Vertical bar chart to showing a summary of the age of open quotes in days on X-axis (Age brackets – Below 30, 30 to 59, 60 to 89, 90 to 119, 120 to 149, 150 to 179, 180 and above) along with the count of quotes indicated as a line, and value of quotes on Y-axis.



Select image to enlarge

Please note, this chart shows only quotes with an open status i.e. quotes that are neither accepted nor rejected.

Users will be able quantify the number and value of quotes that have been sent which remain open / yet to be closed.

ResourceUD-3.pngBy selecting a specific age range bar, or line within the chart, users will be able to drill-down into the data, displaying a data grid containing the following data fields:

      • Quote Reference
      • Quote Status
      • Contact Name
      • Web User Name
      • Job Type
      • Job Reference
      • Quote Sent Date
      • Quote Accepted Date
      • Quote Amount (ex VAT)
      • VAT Amount
      • Quote Amount with VAT
      • Quote Valid To
      • Quote within Validity Period -Yes / No


Quotes By Web User (Top 10)




Select image to enlarge

Users will be able to identify which individuals in their business are either sending the most quotes, or sending the quotes with the highest value.

image (2).pngAs a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific web user bar in the chart. The whole dashboard will display metrics and visuals pertaining to that specific web user selection.


Dashboard Global Filters

  • Created At – Custom date range filter based on quote created date.
  • Created Date Range – Select from prepopulated date ranges. 7

Please note, the “Created At” and “Created Date Range” filters work in conjunction with each other when both date filters are populated. If the custom date is within the range of the ‘created date range’ filter, the dashboard will only show the data pertaining to the custom dates entered. If the custom date is before the created ‘Created date range’ filter, dashboard will not show any data as the two filters have contradicting values. In this case, one of the filters must be cleared.

  • Contact Name (Child Contact) – Multi selectable, defaults to all.
  • Contact Group – Multi selectable, defaults to all.
  • Web User Name (including auto-generated as a user) – Multi selectable, defaults to all.
  • Web User Group Name – Multi selectable, defaults to all.
  • Quote within validity – Yes/No

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