Resource Utilisation Dashboard

  • Updated

The Resource Utilisation Data Dashboard is a tool designed to you keep track of your resources time, including time spent on various activities, job and driving duration, absenteeism trends, and resource allocation by job type and customer. The dashboard allows you to view data in visualisations that provide insights into how resources are spending their time, and whether they are working within their contractual hours.

With the Resource Utilisation Dashboard, you can allocate resources efficiently and effectively. By identifying absenteeism trends, you can take appropriate action to reduce absenteeism and improve productivity.

Finally, by understanding which job types and customers are taking up most of your resources’ time, you can plan and allocate resources strategically, improving efficiency and profitability.




To access the data visualisation dashboards, users will need to be granted permission. Currently, any user that has either the role permissions “Administer the account full access” or  “Administrate web users” can enable access to the dashboards, on a user by user basis. Access is provided by the allocation of a Dashboards “Viewer” license.

To allocate/unallocate a viewer license, from the top menu select "Account Settings", followed by "Settings". From the side menu, select "Web Users" and then "Add – edit". Choose a web user and select to "Edit". From within the "Dashboard" tab , select the "Viewer" radio button.

Once permission has been granted, navigate to the within BigChange. For more information, see article Business Intelligence Dashboards – BigChange

Availability from Work Hours


Percentage and numerical values showing the duration of resource availability from their working hours, after excluding their absence hours.



Percentage and numerical values showing the duration of resource absence, within their working hours.

Utilised in Available Hours


Percentage and numerical values showing the duration of resource time spent on jobs and driving on jobs, within their working hours. This chart also shows Assistant's time spent on job.

Please note, the assistant's drive time is not recorded on BigChange, and therefore not shown on the dashboard.



Percentage and numerical values duration of resource unallocated time (i.e. time not spent on driving, job or absence), within their working hours.

Please note, that this value may be higher when assistants are involved, because assistants don't have a driving duration of their own on the job they are assisting.

Utilised Outside Available Hours


Numerical values showing the duration of resource time spent on jobs and driving on jobs, outside their available working hours.

Resource utilisation by week


Stacked 100% bar chart showing hours on the Y-axis and weeks on the X-axis depending on the data range. Each of the bars show the time spent as a percentage, on activities such as time on job, time driving, time absent and time unallocated) .

Users will be able to quantify and analyse the amount of time resources are spending on activities. Using the global filters, a custom date range can be selected. The dates shown on the visualisation represent the week commencing date (i.e. Monday). Only completed weeks will be displayed.

By hovering the cursor over the vertical bars, the percentage split of hours (including actual hours) will be displayed.

Definition of terms

  • Job Duration within working hours as a resource is the time as a resource, from when the resource selects “Start Job”.
  • Job Duration within working hours as an assistant is the time as an assistant, from when the resource selects “Start Job”.
  • Driving duration within working hours is the time from when the resource selects “on the way” and until they start the job.
  • Absence duration is any time marked as an absence.
  • Unallocated duration is the sum of remainder of all time not spent by a resource either on job or driving categories, inside of their working hours. Unallocated time = Available working hours – (job time + drive time + absence time).

Visualisation rules

  • Once a job is suspended, no further time is counted until it is re-started.
  • If there is no Job and or absence assigned to a resource for a specific day, such days will be excluded from the dashboard.
  • If the resource has more than one job scheduled, all time spent on jobs each day will be shown within “Time on job” activity per day
  • If a resource’s job spans across several days, time is allocated per day. For example, if a job starts on 01/11/2022 at 13:00 and the ends at 03/11/2022 at 8:00 , the activity will be recorded as three different days:
  • When a resource starts driving to a job, and then another resource gets allocated to that job, the first resource time count will be ended on that job, and new resources time count will commence . Partial driving time from the first resource will still be counted as driving time for that day.

By selecting a specific activity bar within the chart, users will be provided with a visualisation for that particular week.

ResourceUD-3.pngBy selecting a bar for a particular day/date, users will be able to drill-down into the data, displaying a data grid containing the following data fields:

      • Resource
      • Resource Group
      • Is Assistant
      • Contact
      • Job Reference
      • Job Type
      • Job Category
      • Date
      • Job Start At
      • Job End At
      • Assistant Start At
      • Assistant End At
      • Resource Job Duration (Hours)
      • Resource Job Duration (Within working hours)
      • Resource Job Duration (Outside working hours)
      • Driving Duration (Hours)
      • Driving Duration (Within working hours)
      • Driving Duration (Outside working hours)
      • Absence Start At
      • Absence End At
      • Absence Duration (Hours)
      • Unallocated Duration (Hours)


Job and driving duration vs available hours


Line chart showing total work time of resources in hours on the Y-axis and weeks on the X-axis. One line represents available working hours and the other line is actual job and driving time combined. This visualisation can also be toggled to display average time in addition to total time.


Select image to enlarge

Users will be able to see a high-level view of the utilisation status of all resources, providing insight into the proportion of resource time is spent either driving or at a job.

ResourceUD-5.pngAs a parent chart, the user can filter the whole dashboard view by selecting a specific data point within the line chart. The whole dashboard will display metrics and visuals pertaining to that specific data point selection.


Absenteeism trend by week


Bar chart showing a count of absence hours on the Y-axis and weeks on the X-axis.



Select image to enlarge

Users will be able to quickly identify any absence trends over several weeks and frequency of absences logged week-by-week.

By selecting a specific bar within the chart, users will be provided with a visualisation of absences for that particular week.

ResourceUD-3.pngBy selecting a bar for a particular day/date, users will be able to drill-down into the data, displaying a data grid containing the following data fields:

      • Resource Group
      • Resource name
      • Absence date
      • Absence start time
      • Absence end time

Please note, due to GDPR,  absence type is not displayed on this dashboard.


Job duration by category (top 10)


Vertical bar chart showing the average duration (in hours) on the Y-axis and Job category on the X-axis.


Select image to enlarge

Users will be able to identify the average time spent on specific job categories, and which categories the most / least time is spent on.


Resource allocation by job type


Horizontal bar chart showing job time per Job type. Job type on the Y-axis and duration on the X-axis. This visualisation can also be toggled to display drive time by job type.


Select image to enlarge

Users will be able to identify which job types are taking the most (or least) amount of resources time (at the job and driving).


Resource allocation by contact


Horizontal bar chart showing job time spent per contact, with Job type on the Y-axis and duration on the X-axis. This visualisation can also be toggled to display drive time by contact.


Select image to enlarge

Users will be able to identify which contacts are taking the most (or least) amount of resources time (at the job and driving).


Dashboard Global Filters

  • Resource group – Multi selectable, defaults to all.
  • Resource name – Multi selectable, defaults to all.
  • Date – Custom date range that allows user to filter the dashboard by job completed date. This will include both jobs completed with completed with issues
  • Date range – List of pre-existing date range options to select from.

Please note, if both date filters are populated, they work in conjunction with each other. Within the visualisations, where week commencing days are shown on X-axis, the dates will start from the Monday of the dates populated on the date filter. For example, If the last 14 days was selected, going back to a Wednesday, the dashboard would show data starting from Monday of that week.


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