This article provides a guide on how to manage subcontracted jobs using the BigChange tablet. Understanding this process is crucial for engineers to effectively carry out their tasks and provide accurate job reports.
Viewing Subcontracted Jobs on Tablet
When an engineer views a subcontracted job on the BigChange tablet app, there are two key differences to note:
- The Contact name displayed is the main Contractor name, i.e., the job 'owner'.
- The Company address field contains details of where the work is to be carried out.
Job Completion Procedure
The job completion procedure for subcontracted jobs follows the general process:
- Accept Job: The engineer accepts the job assigned to them.
- Start Driving: The engineer starts the journey to the job location.
- Start Job: Upon arrival, the engineer begins the job.
- Worksheet Completion: The engineer completes the worksheet detailing the work done.
- Result: The engineer submits the job result.
Understanding how to manage subcontracted jobs on the BigChange tablet is essential for engineers to effectively carry out their tasks and provide accurate job reports. By following the job completion procedure, engineers can ensure a smooth workflow and efficient job reporting.
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