This article provides a quick start guide on how to create a Web user in BigChange. Understanding this process is crucial for administrators to manage access and permissions within the platform effectively.
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Adding a New Web User
To create a Web User, from the top menu, select "Account Settings", and then "Settings". From the side menu, select "Web Users", followed by "Add - Edit".
You must be signed in as an Administrator to create or edit a Web User.
Once you've navigated to the Web Users section, select "Add" to create a new Web user. A pop-up will appear with various fields to fill in.
Understanding the Different Fields When Creating a Web User
- Name: This is the name of the Web user you are creating.
- Email: This will be the email address used when logging into your BigChange website. It does not have to be a valid email address but does need to follow a valid email address format.
- Password / Password confirmation: Create a password that is at least 6 characters in length, with a mix of letters and numbers.
- Role: Assign the permissions this Web user should have. Different roles have varying access within the website.
User type: The user type determines what a user will be able to do within the system.
- Inactive user means the user cannot login, and their user account is purely for record keeping purposes, not appearing anywhere else within the system.
- An active user can login using their e-mail and password, and carry out tasks determined by the permissions they have been given.
- A user linked to a resource doesn't take up any of your licenses, but is used to grant permissions, or impose restrictions upon your resources.
- A user for integration is used to set up financial integrations and create automations.
- Group: Permissions and restrictions can be assigned to Groups as well as to individual Web users. Assigning a specific Role eg Engineer to a Web user can be a fast way of achieving that.
- Mobile phone: The mobile phone number will be used to send texts to web users in messages or alerts. Please ensure you enter the number with your country code (i.e +44 for United Kingdom)
- Position: This is the job title of the Web user at your company.
- IP restriction: If you wish to restrict where a Web user is able to log in from, please enter the specified IP addresses.
- Default job category: If this Web user works on specific job categories, please use the drop down list to select the relevant job category that has been created by you.
After filling in all the necessary fields, select "Ok" to save the new Web user.
Creating a Web user on BigChange is a straightforward process that allows administrators to manage access and permissions within the platform effectively. By understanding the different fields when creating a Web user, you can ensure that each user has the appropriate access and permissions for their role.
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