Accepting A Job
When a job arrives on a device the resource can accept to confirm that the details are understood.
Access Hours
Opening hours for the contact site.
Alerts are notifications set up to be triggered by specific events. Many alerts can be set up to be triggered by a range of BigChange activities. This can be an email, popup on the BigChange website, sent to a device, or text message (chargeable).
At Risk
Answer Designate a worksheet answer as "at-risk" to make it possible to trigger alerts when the answer is selected.
A file, for example, a document, image, etc, which can be added to the system. Similar to email attachments.
Can be used to record vehicle on-board equipment or vehicle certifications, with or without an expiry date. Vehicle attributes work the same way as resource skills.
Automatic Document Sending
Job cards and financial documents, such as invoices, can set up to be automatically emailed or attached to the job when the job is completed or based on another stage being reached e.g. when job is created.
Booking Site
An app that customers of BigChange clients can use to access certain features of BigChange, including booking jobs.
Business Key
A business key works with a key reader installed in the vehicle to designate mileage as business when scanned. This field should be the key ID.
Champions or super-users are the people within your business who act as system trainers and Administrators. They assist in the completion of follow up actions during the system setup process.
Child Contact
A child contact is a subsidiary, eg a depot or site location, linked to another contact that acts as the 'parent' or main contact point, eg a company's Head Office. This can be extended further eg, Parent = HO, Child = Site A, grandchild = Site A's satellite warehouse.
This is the carbon dioxide emissions information for the vehicle. You can gain this from the vehicle V5C (Vehicle Log Book).
Completing A Job
Changes status of the job either to "completed" or "completed with issues", depending on the job result selected.
Completion Time For Back Office
Set when a worksheet must be completed by the back office (web site users).
Completion Time For Booking Site
Set when a worksheet must be completed on the booking site.
Completion Time For Resource
This determines at what stage in a job the resource is able to fill out the worksheet e.g. "before job is completed" means resource will be prevented from completing the job until mandatory fields in the worksheet have been finished.
Conditional Branching
Option in worksheet questions to add behaviour to worksheet based on answer selected when worksheet question is completed.
A consignment is a group of stock. The consignment can be moved as a group, which can make bulk transfers easier.
Financial documents of the same type can be merged into a single document, e.g. 5 invoices can be merged into 1 invoice with the original invoices listed as 5 line items.
A constraint is a restriction related to a job. e.g, Job must be completed by a resource with X skill.
A consumable is a quantity, if an item is not a consumable is it serialised. You can have multiple items which are not consumable, however must have unique serial numbers.
The CRM contact for whom the job is being done.
Contact Custom Fields
Fields which can be created by administrators for completion that do not appear on the standard contact record.
Contact Group
Groups used to organise contacts eg. Customer's head office, Customer's depots, Staff, Suppliers.
Contact Name
The name of the CRM contact. For a company, this would be the company name rather than the name of a contact working for the company. Employee names would be recorded as an entry on the Persons tab within the company's CRM 'card'.
Name of company/organisation or individual.
An agreement which results in an invoice being generated on a regular basis for a single sum. Stock/Equipment/Jobs can be allocated against a contract for tracking purposes.
Cost Per Day
Cost of a vehicle per day if zero miles are driven. Includes annual and monthly costs like leasing costs, servicing or insurance.
Cost Per Mile
Cost of a vehicle per mile driven.
Cost Price
How much the item costs to buy from a supplier (this is used for Purchase orders and not displayed on other financial documents).
Custom Fields
Flexible extra fields can be added to record more information about a resource, such as driving licence numbers, insurance information, important dates or reference numbers.
A deactivated alert will no longer send messages when triggered. It is not deleted and can be easily reactivated.
Default Answer
An answer which is auto selected, this can be over ridden or left empty.
Delivery Site
Site where purchase (e.g. stock) should be delivered.
The "detail" tab on CRM contacts displays any custom contact fields which have been added. It is blank by default.
Any web user can add comments in this box which will be displayed with a date/timestamp. Including a mention in format @user will send a notification to the named user. For example, this can be used for discussions or logging actions.
Document Type
Type of document e.g. quotation, invoice, credit note.
Driver Behaviour
A visual report that shows the assessment of a driver's behaviour against the acceptable standard. For each criterion this is a score out of 10.
Driving To A Job
Status which designates that the resource is enroute to a job.
Due Date
Date when the note/ticket should be completed/actioned/updated by.
Expense Groups
Expense Groups are used to collate expenses under broader categories. For example, train tickets and mileage might be combined in the 'travel' group.
Expense Types
Expense types of expenses which are logged, for example mileage would be a type of expense under the travel group.
Expiry Date
A date which can be set for a temporary customer. The record will be deleted when this date passes.
Extra Info
Any information you want people attending the contact to see, for example a door code will be displayed with job details on tablets.
File Group
Items stored within the file library must be placed within a 'folder' (also known as a group) for easy categorisation.
First Line Of Correspondence
The opening line of a document eg, 'FOA'.
Fixed Resource
When set to 'yes' this is used to link a resource and vehicle together. When selecting a resource on a job the vehicle field will auto complete. The resource will not be prompted to select a registration when signing in on the tablet.
When jobs or documents are created for a flagged contact, the user sees an alert icon and message. A reason for the flag can be recorded and will display with the alert, eg, non-payment.
Fuel Card
If the resource has been given a fuel card to buy fuel, a reference number can be recorded.
Group Job
An umbrella job (or folder) which other jobs can be scheduled within to keep them together, usually because they relate to a single project or larger job that lasts more than one day.
Hyper track
For phone-tracked resources, this option can be selected from the map to enable real-time second-by-second tracking, rather than standard tracking at 30-second intervals. Hyper track will only be enabled for up to 2 minutes at any time.
Idling Fuel Consumption
Value for fuel used when the vehicle is idling (engine running but vehicle not moving). This value can be gained from a fuel consumption test although approximate generic values are available for different kinds of vehicles.
Internal Note
A note which will only be visible within BigChange, not displayed to the customer.
Job Categories
Job categories are high-level groups that job types can sit within.
Job Custom Fields
Additional fields added to the job. Each job type has its own list of custom fields. Fields can be imported for a new job type from another job type.
Job Duration
The default time allocated to complete a job. BigChange records both planned and actual time, and either can be displayed on jobcards.
Job Flags
Customisable flags which can be assigned to jobs. These can be used to record sequential stages of a process or to flag particular jobs e.g. "awaiting parts".
Job Reference
What is the unique reference of the job. This can either be set manually or generated automatically.
Job Type
The type of activity that is going to be carried out, e.g. delivery, collection, boiler repair, meeting, etc.
The physical representation of worksheet questions attached to a job, which includes details such as time worked along with distance and time travelled.
The legacy name of the BigChange app used by Resources using mobile devices.
Keywords are placeholders which will be replaced with data from CRM, worksheets answers for the final template e.g. "firstname" keyword will be replaced with the firstname taken from the CRM contact persons.
Where the stock is currently held - at a contact/on vehicle/allocated to item.
Manufacturer, e.g. Samsung.
Something which must be answered before a defined stage. For example, in worksheets if a completion stage has been set other than 'At Any Time' the worksheet cannot be completed until all mandatory questions have been answered.
Mark As Sent
On a financial document mark that it has been sent (e.g. emailed) to the contact.
Specific model, e.g. Galaxy Note 8.
Logged movements of stock between locations.
This is the BigChange platform for collaboration between customers. It allows you to offer yourself as a contractor/subcontractor with other companies using the BigChange system.
Note Flags
A highlighter or identifier (colour and description) that can be applied to a record so that it can easily be picked out from others, visually. Records can be sorted by flag to narrow down what is displayed.
Note Owner
The person who is responsible for the note. By default, this is the person who added it to BigChange. Can be any web user.
Note Reference
A unique reference number for the note, automatically generated by BigChange.
Note Status
Status of notes can either be open, completed or cancelled.
Note Subject
The title of a note.
Note To Client
A customer information note which will be displayed underneath the line items on the financial document. Predefined standard notes can be set up.
Note Workflow
Customisable series of questions which can be completed by web user or via the booking site. Note workflows are set up in a similar way to job worksheets.
Information or tasks which are stored against a particular record.
The process of integrating a new customer into BigChange and helping them to understand and utilise our products and services.
Parent Contact
A lead contact (location/site/office) that others are related to, eg a head office and depots. The head office is the parent and the depots are the child records.
List of parts which have been used against a piece of equipment e.g installed spare parts or consumables.
Person Consents
Permissions given by a user for actions, e.g. for GDPR purposes.
Person Flags
Customisable flags which can be assigned to persons at a CRM contact. Example usage would be indicate roles within the contact e.g. "finance", "operations", "CEO".
Positive & Negative Results
Whether the job was successful or not. Multiple options for positive and negative can be specified for each job type e.g. negative can be broken down into lack of parts, no access to site, rejected by customer with one option being chosen by the resource from the tablet.
Pre-defined Invoice Items
A pre-saved template containing a reference, description, cost/selling prices, along with VAT/Nominal/Department codes (if applicable), which have been set within the financial section of the settings menu. By using pre-defined invoice items, you can save time; particularly useful for chargeable items which you do not store (e.g postage and packaging). Please note, that although the pre-defined invoice item values are saved within account settings, they can be changed on a case by case basis when added to the financial document.
Primary Person
Main person to contact with regard to that CRM record, they will be selected by default when creating jobs and notes.
Private Key
A private key (fob) works with a reader installed in the vehicle to designate mileage as private when scanned. This field should be the key ID.
A customisable flag estimating the probability of successfully closing the sales opportunity. Examples might be cold, warm or hot.
Product Category
Stock/equipment models are grouped into Product Categories. Each category has a different list of custom fields for the items contained.
Quick Job
An option to quickly schedule a job but where less fields need to be filled in and less detail captured.
An area in metres around a location point.
An ID is used to identify a record. Should be unique, if you have a financial package, it should mirror this.
Rejecting A Job
When a job arrives on a device, the resource can reject a job giving a reason why it won't be completed.
An analysis or summary of data in a document format.
Resource Group
Resources can be organised into groups. Custom fields and restrictions can be set for all members of a group. File library items can be restricted, making them visible to one or more groups.
Restrictions limit which areas of the system individual Web Users or Groups of Web Users can see.
BigChange's customer service department who are always happy to help you resolve a problem. To contact them, click on the RoadCrew button at the top right of your menu.
Web Users are allocated a role to give them the desired level of access & control associated with the role e.g. "Manager" or "Engineer". Access/Control rights can be customised for each role.
A series of jobs or 'stops' - can be optimised (currently in beta) for efficiency which act as a template of jobs which reoccur frequently.
Sales Opportunity Owner
The person responsible for the sales opportunity. By default this is the person who added it to BigChange. Can be any web user.
Scheduling Assistant
A system that shows a list of available resources and schedule times available for a job to be completed. Identifies costs if financial information has been put in the system against resources and vehicles.
Scoping Document
The agreement between yourself and BigChange detailing the objectives and constraints of the Onboarding process.
Selling Price
The ex-VAT price of a stock or financial item.
Serial Number
Unique reference or barcode used to identify a single item of stock or equipment.
Signing Timesheet
Complete timesheet by marking with signature and sending.
Skills, such as specialisms or certifications, can be recorded for each resource along with expiry date, if applicable.
A colour reference code to set the background colour for the header of your site. Google "Hex Codes Picker" to find the code for the colour you want. For example, the Hex code for white is #ffffff.
Sold Status
Field used to denote whether the stock item has been sold or not.
Customisable stages for sales opportunities e.g. prospect, quotation sent, order signed.
Starting A Job
Changes status of the job to "started" and starts logging time towards actual job duration and for reports and costing.
Stock Item Custom Fields
Flexible extra fields which can be added for stock and equipment. Each product category has a separate list of custom fields.
Systems are groups of equipment. A system can be created then multiple pieces of equipment can be added to it and manipulated together.
Tacho Card
Used to identify drivers of HGVs fitted with tachographs. These are usually in the format DB followed by 10 digits.
A document skeleton with formatting.
A geofenced area displayed on the map.
Timesheet Activity
A category that allows time to be allocated to different activities on the timesheet, for example lunch break.
Unscheduled Jobs
Jobs which are pending allocation to the schedule. They are displayed under the Schedule tab organised by job category. A job remains unschedulled until it has a date, time and resource.
URL Of Logo
A web link to a logo accessible online should be put here . The picture will be used as a logo in the top-left of the site and on standard documents and templates. Alternatively the logo can be uploaded.
A list of context(s) in which the template will appear as an option.
Used For Jobs
A checkbox to set whether the vehicle can be selected by resources for use on jobs.
Vehicle Custom Fields
Create a customised field to appear on Vehicle records. These can be set for specific groups of vehicles.
Vehicle Group
Groups can be set in order to separate vehicles from each other, eg Tippers, Gritters, Back Office Staff Vehicles, Leadership Team Vehicles, Pool Cars.
Vehicle Type
Select a vehicle type e.g. car\van <2T. This will set the speed limits for which driver behaviour is assessed against when a resource is driving this vehicle.
Vehicle Type for Defects
A list of vehicle defects grouped together. For example you might have an 'HGV' list of vehicle defect questions and a 'Car' set of questions.
Set whether the question and answer appears on the standard job card.
Web User Group
This area is used to create groups that web users can be allocated to. This will enable easier sorting and application of roles.
Web Users
A web user is a user who has access to the 'back office' of BigChange.
White Labelling
Emails send by default from jobwatch@bigchange.com. White labelling allows you to send emails from an address of your choosing, both for emails sent by your site and separately for emails sent by your web user.
Workflows act as Worksheets for Notes, allowing a customisable series of questions to be completed by web users, as well as conditional branching to ask different questions based on answers given,
Highly customisable series of questions to be completed by resources, web users or by customers through the booking site. Can use conditional branching to ask different questions based on answers given or direct user to another worksheet or to the stock management interface.
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